Friday, August 29, 2008

Maryjane Farm Girls Have Fun!

MaryJanes wonderful shop & aprons
MaryJane, Meg, Baby Stella, Lucas & photographer
Brenda-past blessings, Grace-katmom & Julia Hayes
(L-R) Michelle,Brenda,Brenda,Karen,Renee,Karen,Pam & Grace

What do you get when you combine MaryJane's Store Grand Opening, a bunch of farm girls and Chocolate???? A really good time!

The store was just dreamy as where the goodies inside. Twixt & tween the Chenille bed spreads, the vintage hats, the silver jewelery and all the chocolate I was in hog heaven!

Sharri's little wool toddler jackets are soooo precious.

MaryJane also had some ever so wonderful scented soy candles.

It was great to see all the gals there as well as MaryJane & Meg, who by the way looks radiant in that maternity glow!

Brenda & I both wore our cowgirl boots as well as our vintage aprons and our ear to ear grins. Michelle & Julia also were clad in their sweet aprons too!

If you live with in driving distance it is worth taking the drive over to Coeur d'Alene, ID. to snoop around the shop. You won't want to ever leave....

MaryJane, Thanx for the chocolate too!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Buggy Barn Quilt & Antique Show

Today I went to the Buggy Barn Quilt & Antique Show in the town of Reardon, WA. It is an annual event that is put on and quilters far and wide attend with camera in hand & dreams of someday making a quilt to show at this wonderful little farm.

I went with two lovely friends and met up with Firemama (that's us pictured) I also met a new and very sweet MaryJane Farm girl, Tanya.

I wish I could say I have a favorite quilt but truth be known, they are all my favorites. But here are a few that caught my eye. Be sure to click on the photos to get a better/closer look. The Western one was truly a wonderful blend of hand stitchery and machine embroidery. The 'retro' is really cool, and of course the red work kitties....need I say more? lol!

If you are not to far from Reardon, and have never been to the Buggy Barn, it is so worth the trip. The talent and creativity of these talented quilters just amazes me. I can only wish I had 1/10 of their creativity & skill.... I'll be there again next year, drooling over all the new quilts on display. Who knows, maybe someday I too will have a quilt gently blowing in the breeze as it hangs from a line or fence...

Another Fun Day

Well here are 3 more aprons that I purchased in the last 2 days. I bought the red one at a local Thrift Shop. The red one is reversible and is made from a satin type fabric. As for the other two, I purchased them at the Buggy Barn Quilt and Antique Show.

As you can see I have the approval of both Cissy Girl & Dolly for my choice of aprons. As I type, Cissy is still snuggled on the aprons, sweetly dreaming of being able to wear an apron someday...or not! lol!

In the second picture, I found this Singer sewing machine at the same Thrift Shop where I bought the red apron. It works wonderfully and was priced at $9.99 plus I had a 20% off coupon! How COOOL is that!?!?

Time to dig through my fabric stash and start sewing some aprons on that New-Old Singer!

Friday, August 15, 2008

What Can You do in 30 min w/a old shirt, pillow & thread?

Ok, I finally convinced my dear hubby to go through his closet and take out any old clothing to which I would donate along with some of my old clothes that we no longer wear/fit.

As I was bagging up some of the things I spotted this shirt and thought what a shame, the print is so cool, (I LOVE Hawaiian shirts) when an idea came to me...why not a pillow cover?? TaDa! and idea is born and I sped off to my craft/sewing room. I laid out the shirt, pinned & chalked it(for sewing lines) then Mr shirt met Ms sewing machine and for the next few minutes all you could hear was the happy hum of my sewing machine.

After I stitched it up, I flipped it right side out & Voila! here is the end result. I was so excited that I didn't iron it before taking the photo. Oh Well, you get the idea. I now have a cool kitschy pillow cover that easily unbuttons to remove/insert the pillow and since it is my hubbies old cast off shirt, I figure the pocket works well to hold his cell phone or T.V. remote control...

Ok, now I have to get back to bagging up the rest of his clothes before he changes his mind & wants them back...hmmm, wonder if any other cool ideas pop up while bagging up!.
(click on the picture for a closer look)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Freezer Salsa

With an abundance of tomatoes, or should I say, "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes"!

I needed to do something with them today....after gathering the ripe red ones, I still have a LOT left on the vine in various shades of green to light orange.

Tonight's adventure in tomatoes was Salsa!

I thought I would never finish peeling & coring them!

I made 12 jars of freezer salsa using my tomatoes, bell peppers, & chili peppers.

The end result, the most yummy salsa....I am thinking tomorrow night might have to be Taco & chips night and margaritas!!! Ole!

Excuse #103 for not making the bed!

Ok, here is my excuse for not getting the bed made this morning...

Dolly Girl was soooo tired, I didn't have the heart to wake her.

I call her my little "Z" kitty...