Friday, November 28, 2008

So Lonely....

Lonely, oh so lonely,,,,,my poor clothes line has been feeling a little un-loved these past few weeks... but it will be back in favor and in use come the first day of warm weather....
The reason for the red poles & blue I won't keep walking into it!!! lol!

I could not resist posting a picture of this cute crochet 'dish soap apron' that I found at a 2nd Hand Shop for a mere 50cents.

November 27th, 2008

Ok, sooooo, who do you sew for when you do not have wee ones or Grandchildren ???
Answer...............why your Granddoggies of course! (hahahaha, snork, giggle.)
I think I may have fallen out of favor with my GrandBrittny,,, but after around of Deviled Eggs he has forgiven me,,, tho' I suspect my daughter & Son-in-law are not to happy having a very gassy dog around the house! Hey, it was the least I could do on Thanksgiving for my grand doggies!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thankgiving

Wishing you all a joyous and wonderful Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What a Beautiful Weekend

Well I started my weekend on Thursday & Friday roasting 4 Turkeys and boiling what seemed like a gazillon pounds of potatoes & my poor daughter did like wise....It was her turn to cook for the German~American club which we are all members of.
My daughter Meri, her husband Evan, Gary(her dad, my hubby) & I all rolled up our sleeves on Saturday and created what was a spectacular not to mention yummy Thanksgiving Dinner for nearly 90 guests. And we pulled it off with out a hitch in our giddy-up! I need to take a moment and do the "mom thing" by bragging about what a fantastic job my daughter did! All her hard work, planning, preparing & organizing all of us. She did a "uber fantastic" job! Kudos baby girl.
Oh & I wore a traditional German outfit for the evening's event, after all I am half German.

Sunday was a leisure day that was spent at the Gintz's farm for worship service, a little banjo pickin' and then food with wonderful neighbors both old and young.
The Gintz's disassembled & re-assembled 2 very old log cabins onto their property and now use one as a guest cottage and the other as a gathering room. They came across a wagon wheel that they converted into a hanging light fixture and one of Candy's re purposed apron's adorns the wall.

Oh and for those of you wondering about "our Deer" well we have 4 regulars that feed on our lawn and our Arborvitae bushes....I saw them in my lavender..... now they are getting just a we bit to comfortable...we even walk out there and tell them to find a different property to feed on and they look at us like we are a couple of homely looking creatures! lol!

Hope you had a beautiful weekend too.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Look Who's Coming To Dinner...

Ha Ha, Look what was "mowing" our yard today...Bambi!

I could not resist taking a few pics and Bambi seemed to be ok with his photo op, so click away I did. I even went out side and Bambi just kept munching away, one eye on the grass and one eye on me...oh and now we have even more Bambi fertilizer. We should have an awesome yard next year, gee Thanx Bambi!

Hmmmm, do my ears make my butt look big??? lol!

No "Will Power"....

My mixer collection
Crocheted mini plate "bootie"..these look cute on my wine glasses too!

Flirty Apron swap. Nov. 24th 2008

I have absolutely NO Will Power when it comes to rooting around 2nd Hand Stores and Antique shops.....but what the heck, the one who dies with the most junk wins,,,right? LOLOL!

Once again, I just popped in to a little shop, just to kill time while waiting to meet up with a friend for lunch....20 minutes later & $10 poorer I am grinning from ear to ear!

I bought another vintage mixer....for those of you who know me, know I am just as addicted to mixers as I am to sewing machines. I also found some signed vintage glass ware but the best find is a little set of 4 plates w/crocheted 'booties". (not sure what to call them).

I would love to copy & crochet some of these but my crocheting skills are very limited.

I also finished up one of my 4 Holiday swap projects. This one is for a "Flirty Holiday Apron Swap"... It is a plaid taffeta & gold lame' apron, a rainy day apron & some goodies. Hope my swap partner in Utah likes all the goodies.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another fun shopping day...

My new "Chaps" style funny!

I love my vintage kitchen goodies. The toaster is the latest to my collection.

A gal can never have enough hats & these are just a few of mine....

Former pillow case & some scrap trim & fabric is now an apron....

ok, so my sweetie & I had a pleasant day out and about....a wonderful lunch, sights seeing in some areas of Spokane that we hadn't seen till today & we hit a few vintage shops along the way.
I found the silliest apron, it is like a pair of Chaps, couldn't resist buying them. I also came upon some vintage clothing as well as a vintage 30's-40's toaster as well as a hatbox & hat stand. Oh trust me we found tons of stuff that we ended up lugging home but I don't want to bore you to tears so I am only posting a few pictures.
The hat box (floral) even had the previous owners name & address inside. I thought you might enjoy seeing just a small portion of my vintage hat collection as well some of my fun vintage kitchen gadgets.

The blue & yellow apron is or should I say was a Laura Ashley Pillow Case... has been re-purposed into an apron. I love pillow case aprons!
(as always, if you click on the image you can get a closer view).

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 12th, 1972

Wow, has it been 36 years since my High School Sweetheart and I tied the knot.

The years have just flown by, but we are still young at heart.

It's been fun 'ageing ever so gracefully' together.

I know that the 25th year is Silver and the 50th is Gold, but I am keeping my guy around for our 75th~Platinum....I want a Platinum and Diamond ring!!!!! LOL!

Awe who am I kidding, I plan to keep him no matter what.....cuz he is my sweetheart and always will be.

Happy Anniversary Babe, "ILY"....

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's Snowing!!!!

Ok, so here it is, November 6th, we have a new President Elect, my back is out & it's snowing! Wohoo! I am beginning to think Autumn is over and well you know what that means!

Yep, Winter has arrived!

So far, the deer have broken right in half one of our Bartlett trees, pretty much scarred our Norwegian maple and left their "calling cards" (deer pooh) all over our lawn, oh and lets not forget the lovely clumps of bunny fur in the lawn from an unfortunate bunny who had an untimely demise with a falcon or eagle....

Here I sit, looking out my office window thinking, uh oh! snow has been non-stop since this morning...but on the plus side(there is one isn't there?) all 4 kitties are sleeping peacefully by the fireplace, I have to keep checking on little Cissy girl to make sure her fur doesn't ignite!

So here is a picture of the snow from eariler this morning, now it is starting to stick.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Autumn Morning

I guess this morning is truly a good indication that Summer is over, that Autumn is all around us. I have been watching the leaves slowly change from green to gold to red. Oh what a beautiful transformation of colors.

I could not resist bundling up this morning and taking this picture of the little farm across the road from us. It was built in the 1940's by second generation wheat farmers. Their daughter who is third generation lives next door to the little green farm house.

I love the Autumn months.