Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas After....2008

Ok, so in spite of all the snow that we got this month we still had a wonderful time....
Good food, wonderful family and lots of laughter filled our home. Even our pets had fun!
A few days before Christmas, my daughter, Meri, and I made a made dash into town (Spokane) and I took a few pictures while she drove. All in all, even though it was a wee bit of a 'white knuckle' drive the snow looked charming, everything was blanketed in glistening snow.
Our 4-legged fur babies had fun too! "Fillster", one of Meri's kittys, was so excited about Christmas that he could not control himself wanting to help open packages....'course, some of the packages had cat mint, ya don't suppose that was what was exciting him do ya!?!
Peek-a-boo has a new "secrete hiding spot", well maybe not so secrete, but I wont tell her!
With these long cold Winter nights I thought a practical gift for Meri & her hubby would be "Union Suits"...hmmm, I don't think they shared my "practicality" but we all got a good giggle out of it....
My talented daughter knitted the blue & brown purse for me...I love it and it has the most sparkly Bee broach attached. Speaking of hand made gifts, (my favorite thing to receive), I received a "Bev Original" sweet apron & matching pie tote....I have already put both to good use. Hugz to Bev. If you want to see more of her creative hand work check out her blog listed in my favorite places to visit under Bee Haven Maven, it's so worth the peek.
Ok, those of you who know me know I LOVE silly socks.....the sillier the better! So unlike a normal woman of my age, (29 and fibbing!) I wore a pair of socks with my shiny red peep-toed shoes...hey it's a girl thing ya know!
I could not resist being a bit silly with poor Dolly-girl, I don't think she appreciated my silliness but oh well....
From our home to yours, may you have a Safe and Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Therapy Much Needed!

1941 Singer
1946 Singer

Late 1930's Western Electric

My Bernina Embroidery Machine

Ok, so I truly need "Sewing Machine Therapy"...found two more vintage machines....
I am at 13 assorted vintage machines, 2 modern (last 3 years), 1 embroidery machine & 1 mini serger.
Here I thought I was over the top collecting vintage mixers, but as I take stock of my sewing machines,,,I think my addictions go much further...did I mention I also collect vintage Irons?
I only have 24. From the old cast irons, to kerosene to 1950's travel ones. I love them all.
I'll have to dust them off and post a picture one of these days....

(Don't) Let It Snow!!!!

Spokane traffic thanks to massive snow...

Our front somewhere under the snow....
Our back deck, notice the snow...hahaha!

Let it Snow, let it Snow, let it Snow....
Well Gary & I had to make a run into Spokane (yesterday) and of course it was the beginning of what turns out to be a record breaking snow fall for December 17th in Spokane history, 17" inches.... and we got to experience it first hand! Oh Joy!!!!
When we finally made it home, white knuckles and all, Gary had to pull the snowplow out to clear our 200ft driveway. We were having company for dinner and wanted to make sure they could make it onto our property as well as out later that evening.
Poor Gary was up at 4:30 this morning and out on the plow again at 5am clearing the driveway so he could make it into work. It took our Son-in-Law 1 1/2 hours to drive into work which normally takes about 20 minutes. Nearly half of Spokane is closed down. Schools, Government buildings, businesses both small and large. They are even saying if you do not have a four-wheel drive vehicle or chains, then stay off the roads. Even the Transit systems (city buses) have been crippled, many of the buses were getting stuck in snow and large big rigs are spinning out in town. Not a good few days here in Spokane.
Even the Airport is open, but no flights in or out.
North Idaho is getting hit equally as hard....if any of you Southern States could send us some warm weather, sunshine what ever, we sure could use some! lol!
As for me & the furbabies, we think today is a perfect baking, sewing day, maybe even just a good snuggle by the fire with a good book day. Hopefully the weather will calm down by early next week. So keep your fingers, legs & eyes crossed for us!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

More Apron Fun...

Well I made a few more fun aprons for a swap through "The Apronista Forum".
As you can see, 3 of my "girls" had to check out the fun Christmas one!

Well it's official,,, it's COLD outside! yep, as I sit here typing, the temperature is 17 degrees and it is suppose to get down to 1-2 degrees by tomorrow...and, the weather forecast says we will be in the 'negatives' in the next few days! Yikers! that's COLD! And I moved away from So.Cal., why???
Friday, Andrea (my neighbor ) and I took a trip into Spokane, 10:30 am and all was well, brisk and sunny then with in 4 hours it was dark and snowing like crazy. We ended up with about 3" of snow in 3 hours....again, I left California why??? lol!
I did get to see a Bald Eagle sitting in a tree, that was soooo cool, I tried to get a picture but the eagle was too far away for my little camera to capture. Bummer.
I have also noticed more coyotes out and about and the deer are still hanging around.

Other than that, life on the (lavender) farm is wonderful as we decorate for Christmas. Hopefully my lavender will survive this Winter weather. Guess we'll find out come Spring.

Oh, as you can see, I snuck in a picture of our "Dolly Girl" and of Gary & Cissy Girl napping...Cissy found Garys shoulder to be a perfect nap spot. Too cute!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Betty Crocker would be so proud....

Oh My Stars!!!! Betty Crocker would be soooo very proud of me if she could see my collection of "Suzie Homemaker Mixers"!!!!!
I must admit, I do have a wee bit of an addiction for vintage mixers, irons, hats, aprons, Lucite grape clusters, sewing machines...well nearly anything 1950's - 60's.....
I have 15 mixers on display and #16 is a 1960's Sunbeam mixer that is my daily user. All but one of the machines still work like champs. Even the 2 that are 1928 machines run but because of their age I don't run them. I love the fact that they are all "Made in the USA" and all metal as opposed to the imported plastic ones that manufactures sell us. Lets face it, back then things were built to last for awhile unlike today's "Planned Obsolesce".
I also have, yes,,, another New-Old sewing machine...this one is unlike my others, as it has an after market hand crank..I am guessing that it was bought for a farm wife who didn't have access to electricity readlly so the hand crank was added. Can you imagian cranking with your right hand and only your left hand available to manuver the fabric? And what if you are 'left' handed???
This machine is made by Western Electric-'Ma Bell'...they made a few washers & sewing machines in the mid 1920's but their primary target was telephones....They are also no longer around. I think they died out in the mid 1980's if memory serves me correct.
Anyways, got to get back to dusting off this machine & trying to find a place to put it! Oh My! I am running out of nooks -n-cranys to put all my collectibles!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

What Magazines Do Your Kitties Read????

My kitties are hooked on magazine reading,,,quick, toteable & 'Green" (cuz they pass them on & share them with friends.)
Sometimes they even let me peek over their shoulders to read an article....
Here are Peekaboo & Dolly.... Ms Beasley & Cissy-girl were busy checking out the inside of their eyelids while snoozing under one of the Christmas Trees....
Ho Ho Ho!!!!!

Saturday, December 6th(18 days til christmas)

Bees w/o Boarders Apron Swap. I made this one.

Vintage linens my Mother found & sent to me.

Peekaboo guarding my new apron & goodies

Peekie all zonked out!

I thought I would share a few pictures from my camera with you today...

We had a fun Apron Swap on the MaryJane's Farm Forum/Bees with out Boarders" and here is a picture of the (delightfully brilliant idea) apron & goodies that I received from Khart~Kathy....Thank you so very much Kathy, I am wearing it right now.
The blue apron (1st pic.) is the one I made for my secrete swap friend at BWOB.
And ofcouse, what would my blog be, if it did not include a picture of one of my furbabies,,, totally exhausted from playing a game of "chase the ribbon with mommy"....
My mother, who lives in Palm Desert/Palm Springs California and found these beautiful handworked lines & doilies. Knowing that I collect them she bought & sent them to me. I am in 'Hog Heaven' I love vintage and not so vintage linens & doilies.
(click on the pics to get a closer peek)
Have a Wonderful Saturday.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another Fun Apron...

Ok, so as a rule I 'procure' my fabric, cut, sew, iron & wear my own aprons (when I am not swapping them) but...every now and then I come across a pre-printed apron. You know the buy them by the panel or package. the apron is printed on the fabric, you just cut it out, toss away the instructions (no body reads them anyways!) then you sew the apron together making a few modifications (cuz you threw away the instructions), iron it & Voila' you have "instant apron"....

I could not resist this one. It actually turned out really cute! It has a gingerbread man & house motif. Really Kitcheny Cute! I found it at Joann's fabrics & the best part, it as well as all the Holiday fabrics were on sale! Wahoooo!
Now to head into the kitchen wearing my new apron, pull out my "Easy Bake Oven" and whip up a package of Betty Crocker Brownie mix....Betty Crocker & I are best friends! lol!
HoHoHo, Bingle Jells & a couple of 'Falala's' for good measure.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

Oh, It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here...
The Stockings are hung, the lights are lite and the shopping has begun! lol!

I couldn't decide which tree to put up this year so I decided why just one, I'll put up two, after all two is better than one! But then if you count the mini tree on the coffee table that would make 3, and if you count the pink foil one on Breakfast bar, well that would make four, not counting my two 3 feet tall tinsel trees by the front door and well I couldn't stop there,,, so I put itty bitty decorations on my itty bitty trees in my Department 56 mini village, well I admit I have a 'thing' for Christmas Trees but I have pared back compared to years ago when I was a wee bit over the top when it came to decorating the inside of the house....but I am not alone,,,,hubby dearest is always in charge of decorating the outside of our home,,,,think the "Griswold Christmas Vacation" movie & you'll know what our house looked like outside!

Whether you have just one small lit candle or miles of twinkle lights, let us not forget "The Reason for the Season". <><

Have a very Joyous Season.

Friday, November 28, 2008

So Lonely....

Lonely, oh so lonely,,,,,my poor clothes line has been feeling a little un-loved these past few weeks... but it will be back in favor and in use come the first day of warm weather....
The reason for the red poles & blue I won't keep walking into it!!! lol!

I could not resist posting a picture of this cute crochet 'dish soap apron' that I found at a 2nd Hand Shop for a mere 50cents.

November 27th, 2008

Ok, sooooo, who do you sew for when you do not have wee ones or Grandchildren ???
Answer...............why your Granddoggies of course! (hahahaha, snork, giggle.)
I think I may have fallen out of favor with my GrandBrittny,,, but after around of Deviled Eggs he has forgiven me,,, tho' I suspect my daughter & Son-in-law are not to happy having a very gassy dog around the house! Hey, it was the least I could do on Thanksgiving for my grand doggies!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thankgiving

Wishing you all a joyous and wonderful Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What a Beautiful Weekend

Well I started my weekend on Thursday & Friday roasting 4 Turkeys and boiling what seemed like a gazillon pounds of potatoes & my poor daughter did like wise....It was her turn to cook for the German~American club which we are all members of.
My daughter Meri, her husband Evan, Gary(her dad, my hubby) & I all rolled up our sleeves on Saturday and created what was a spectacular not to mention yummy Thanksgiving Dinner for nearly 90 guests. And we pulled it off with out a hitch in our giddy-up! I need to take a moment and do the "mom thing" by bragging about what a fantastic job my daughter did! All her hard work, planning, preparing & organizing all of us. She did a "uber fantastic" job! Kudos baby girl.
Oh & I wore a traditional German outfit for the evening's event, after all I am half German.

Sunday was a leisure day that was spent at the Gintz's farm for worship service, a little banjo pickin' and then food with wonderful neighbors both old and young.
The Gintz's disassembled & re-assembled 2 very old log cabins onto their property and now use one as a guest cottage and the other as a gathering room. They came across a wagon wheel that they converted into a hanging light fixture and one of Candy's re purposed apron's adorns the wall.

Oh and for those of you wondering about "our Deer" well we have 4 regulars that feed on our lawn and our Arborvitae bushes....I saw them in my lavender..... now they are getting just a we bit to comfortable...we even walk out there and tell them to find a different property to feed on and they look at us like we are a couple of homely looking creatures! lol!

Hope you had a beautiful weekend too.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Look Who's Coming To Dinner...

Ha Ha, Look what was "mowing" our yard today...Bambi!

I could not resist taking a few pics and Bambi seemed to be ok with his photo op, so click away I did. I even went out side and Bambi just kept munching away, one eye on the grass and one eye on me...oh and now we have even more Bambi fertilizer. We should have an awesome yard next year, gee Thanx Bambi!

Hmmmm, do my ears make my butt look big??? lol!

No "Will Power"....

My mixer collection
Crocheted mini plate "bootie"..these look cute on my wine glasses too!

Flirty Apron swap. Nov. 24th 2008

I have absolutely NO Will Power when it comes to rooting around 2nd Hand Stores and Antique shops.....but what the heck, the one who dies with the most junk wins,,,right? LOLOL!

Once again, I just popped in to a little shop, just to kill time while waiting to meet up with a friend for lunch....20 minutes later & $10 poorer I am grinning from ear to ear!

I bought another vintage mixer....for those of you who know me, know I am just as addicted to mixers as I am to sewing machines. I also found some signed vintage glass ware but the best find is a little set of 4 plates w/crocheted 'booties". (not sure what to call them).

I would love to copy & crochet some of these but my crocheting skills are very limited.

I also finished up one of my 4 Holiday swap projects. This one is for a "Flirty Holiday Apron Swap"... It is a plaid taffeta & gold lame' apron, a rainy day apron & some goodies. Hope my swap partner in Utah likes all the goodies.