Monday, February 23, 2009

Penny Rug Projects...

Saturday my lovely neighbor, Andrea, popped over for tea and to show me some of her latest little "Penny Rug" projects....
She made these ever so sweet little goodies using scrap wool felt, some of which are/were from my stash of wool.
I love them all.
Andrea is a retired Home-Ec teacher and 3rd generation Spokanite.
She & her husband live across the road from us & her father, Alick, lives in the green house also across & down the road. I have a picture further down on my blog of Alick's little old green house in the fog.
It is great to hear about the history of this little community & of Spokane from Alick, who by the way is 90 years old.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rather than post a "gazillion" pictures of my vintage Aljo trailer and her overhaul I have started a new blog for you to watch as "Gracie's Victorian Rose" gets all gussied up.
So pop in when ever you have a few minutes.
I only have a few pictures on it right now but I will be posting the pictures of the interior before the demolition...oh, by the by, Demolition was FUN & Messy!
So come on over & take a peek!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sassy Flirty Apron Swap

Here is the cute little apron that I received from "Laura" my secrete swap buddy from the Sassy Flirty Apron Swap.
I love the cute fun hearts and the huge Ric Rack trim.
This is the 2nd Swap that I have joined in with all these wonderful Apronistas. I can hardly wait to see what the next themed apron swap will be.
Life is messy, so wear an Apron! lol!