Saturday, August 29, 2009

Buggy Barn Quilt Show 2009

This picture is out of order, but I could not resist.... even horses like a good quilt....which brings to mind a very talented quilter, Nancy DeWeir Geaney of
She makes horse blankets & pads from quilts. Oh to be a horse.
It goes with out saying,,,,I am just in absolute awe of these talented ladies that can create art through the use of fabric. I have no idea how many people will have walked the grounds of this old farm to gaze upon these beautiful quilts but for those who was a fabric feast!.
The day actually started out with a light rain, but by the time the quilt show started the rains were no more & the sun was peeking out from behind the clouds. It was such a delight to
walk-n-talk with apron wearing "Farm girl' girlfriends and as it would happen we ran into other ladies that we knew like Heather aka Pickles & I running into Cindy from Idaho who is a fellow-et Sister on the Fly friend... Then I ran into a friend from a local Red Hatters group. We all meet up with our lovely Maryjane Farm-girl-friend, Julia & her best friend...So much chatting, so much scheming for future get togethers and so much fun shopping....I know that Heather, Rene' Julia, Tata & myself,,,we all had fun "shopping the vintage goodies dealers, chatting with vendors not to mention having strangers approach us and ask about our aprons. We just giggled and said, Why we're MaryJane Farm Girls....
We located Amanda's aka Firemama...apron...Amanda, You are "sew" talented....your Sun Bonnet Sue quilt is adorable!
While there were probably well over 100 quilts, I could not possibly post pictures of them all, so here are just a few that I found very interesting. It's funny, just between Heather, Rene' & myself it was interesting to see which quilts caught our attention. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do. (as always, you can click on the pic's to get a larger view).
One of the barns covered in quilts.
Amanda's...Sun Bonnet Sue hand stitched Red Work Quilt.
I think this might be fabric from the Jennifer Pagnelli collection. I like the pink & brown mix.
This is a lovely Christmas quilt...I would love to have this one to snuggle up in during the Christmas Holidays.....

I thought this one was rather interesting...a Jigsaw puzzle! How Cute!
I must say, Rene' , Heather & I gravitated to this cute simple denim/jeans quilt.
I'm thinking this would look cute in any of our lil vintage trailers.
There were some great vendors and I found this one to be quite intriguing....these can be use as plant trellis' or just as yard/garden elements....and I love the wind chimes incorporated in the trellis.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Newest Burlap Apron Creation

Ok so this is the 2nd Burlap Apron I made..only this time I added yoyo's to the waistband & pocket.
I plan to wear it to the Quilt Show over at the Buggy Barn Quilt Farm in Reardon, Washington. I'll be meeting up with some "apron wearin' farm gal pals" to view the quilts on display and then off to lunch.
If you notice, the 'ties' are short. They go around the waist like a belt & snap together.

Another Day in Apron Land...

I made this Burlap Apron from a mid 1960's Aunt Lydia's rug yarn booklet. I still need to finish the blue stitchery on it. I also made a second Burlap Apron but rather than adding stitchery I am going to add yoyo's to embellish it. This is a creation of mine that I call "Harvest Time"... This apron is made from a mans XL shirt.
I remember seeing an old episode of "Leave It To Beaver" where the mom-June Cleaver was wearing an apron with huge pockets for her house cleaning tools so I thought why not one to wear out in the garden or orchard...roomy enough for enough apples or peaches to bring into the house to make a pie! Plus there is a smaller pocket to put your cutters or hankies or cell phone!
I embellished the side ties with yoyo's but they did not show in the picture.
This apron is from a Butterick pattern. It is fun & whimsical..I have made several from this pattern. In fact I am thinking of doing a Cowgirl/Western one next.....and as always,,,,it has yoyo's on the ties & pocket....
Ah last but not least....this is a Mary Mulari apron called "Church Lady". It is a reversible apron. The other side it solid red with the rooster print as embellishment.
As always, you can click on the pictures to get a closer look.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Who Would do this to their Husband???

OK, I don't know about your husbands,,,but mine would Divorce me in a New Your minute if I even thought of crocheting one of these for him!
I found this pattern in a 1965-68 Aunt Lydia's crochet booklet....& these are from 'rug yarn' no less! Yea, tell me that ain't scratchy! lol!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Love My Family

Gary doing what he does best...move dirt! lol!
Our grandpup Buddy, Gary & our wonderful Son-in-law Evan

My babygirl, Meri & her baby boy, Buddy
Meri & Evan makin' hay...
Farmer Gary tasting!
I am so blessed with a wonderful husband as well as daughter & Son-in-love.
We have fun in our daily lives learning to live on our mini farmettes.
It's a never ending "learning curve" LOL!
Rather then go to the bank to deposit our money... we just go out to our acreage, and toss our money into the freshly till soil! lololol!
"Green Acres is the place for livin' is the life to lead..."

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Sunday Drive....

Wouldn't one of these old trucks look cool towing my 1959 Aljo trailer?
Edwall Post Office

Uh, Noah,,, do you know something?

Recently Gary & I took an afternoon drive around the back roads of some small Washington towns & farm areas...We started in Airway Heights, to Reardon, Davenport, Creston, Wilbur, then down to Odessa, Lamona, Harrington, Edwall, Waulkon, Medical Lake & then back home..

We saw some wonderful sights along the way. One of which was a boat perched up on a hill just outside Odessa. I love the little Post Office in Edwall. All in all we saw some beautiful farm lands and meet some delightful people along the way.

Singer 500a Rocketeer?

Well here is the re-done sewing table for my Singer sewing machine. It was sort of a Harvest Gold paint job so my wonderful Gary stripped it down & re-stained it. I Love It!

Love my Ironing Board...

After seeing a "Sister" Sister on the Fly use her vintage ironboard as a Bar table for her vintage trailer I was bitten & it became a Quest to find one for myself as well..& I did!
It even had the origional instructions on the back side....along with the date! How's that for making it easy to date!