Monday, March 29, 2010

Junktiquing Goodies....& A Kitty too!

Ok, so our little Dolly~girl spotted one of our squishy pillows and promptly put it to good use...
If you click on the picture of our Dolly~girl you will see her tongue hanging out,,,when you only have 3 teeth it's hard to keep it from slipping & sticking out! Silly Dolly~girl.
In the almost 40 years of living in California I never owned a "California" souvenir scarf so I just had to buy this one up here in a Washington Antique shop! Go figure....but it is silk!
And yes, that is another apron,,,hey what can I say, I am addicted to aprons! lol!

I love this vintage 1960's quilted paisley print house dress/robe....
I call it my "I Love Lucy" robe....I had to let it out a bit to fit but it looks & feels wonderful and it is long, down to my ankles...ooh! now all I need is a pair of 'peep toe' shoes to go with it!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Vintage Hankies...

My collection of vintage hankies has grown from a small gift box of 3 from my grandmother to a rather overflowing collection of 177 hankies... Wowzers! I had no idea until I counted them the other day....hmmm, can we say "Hankie Addiction?" lol!
The white gift box in the center is what started my love of collecting them.
The box to the right is a packaged set but the 2 boxes (top & left side) are mis-matched sets...but I luv the boxes.... These are Hankie Keepers...the one on the right was a sweet gift from "grandma Blanch" an honorary grandma to my daughter back in the 1970's.
I was told by a sweet older lady that the white one might have been used as a keeper for Nylon stockings back when ladies wore nylons and hand washed then & folded and tucked them away carefully...after all back in the 1940's & '50's nylons where not cheap so you took good care of them and stored them properly.

Well here is my "stash"....I have hand washed & rinsed in lavender water each one of my hankies...and then ironed them flat and then hand folded them.
Yes, this is what a stash of 177 hankies looks like.
And I always keep a hankie in my purse...never know when a grand baby will need a little schmutz wiped off their face, or a tear dabbed away,,,or I need to daintily drop it for Prince Charming to catch before it lands on the ground...oh wait, that would be my hubbie dearest!
But,,, Never, Ever wipe lipstick off with your hankie.... proper Lady's use their pinkie finger for that! lol!

Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm Baaack!

Ok, I have been a bit busy these past couple weeks and sort of neglected my poor blog, but now I am back! My poor geraniums are busting out of their little pots and are wanting to get their 'toes' outside!
I need to have a couple of good warm weather days so I can go out and get some serious planting done...including getting my geraniums in the garden.

Ya put your right foot in, ya put your right foot out, ya put your right foot in and ya shake it all about!...
Remember those fun tunes? I know I sure do! It's good to be a kid, even for just a few minutes.

My dear friend, Lynn is moving her little shop, "Hidden Treasures" from the little Barber shop she currently occupies to a larger shop...My hubby & I have been helping Lynn & her hubby, John...trying to get the new shop ready to move into and up and running by April 3rd...
As is with all old early 1940's buildings in small communities (w/o building codes & standards) the walls were horrible, cracked, uneven and just plain I nailed up fabric on one of the walls & then glue gunned trim down to cover the seams.
It's always fun to decorate someone else's place! lol!
Remember these? if you were around in the 1950's & '60's you probably have a mom, aunt, grammy or sister who use to make these...I am not sure what was used to 'fill' them, styro-foam maybe? I just squished in plastic bags...This set includes one each, lettuce, a red bell pepper, tomato, onion, a very large pea? and pineapple....too cute!

Ok, here is the "Out to Junk Bunch", left to right, firemama~ Amanda, pastblessings~Brenda, dairyprincess~Heather, kpaints~Karen & me~katmom.
Our day started out by meeting up at Spencer's Antiques for some serious and silly antiquing...then we all piled into firemama's "mommymobile", hit Starbucks for a Java fix and on over to Brenda's soon to be new farm home...we walked around the property, and took this group photo. (click on the pic to 'imbiggen it' to see us better)
Afterwards we went over to Hillyard to hit some more antiques shops.
All in all it was a lovely day to get out and play and spend time with good friends.
Ok, I have discovered... the site...oh I can shop & bid on stuff from the Goodwill site while in the comfort of my home, mug of java in hand and a kitty snoozing in my lap, all the while still wearing my P.J.'s......
I won these these terrific 1950's & 60's antiquing magazines. I also won a vintage vase and the Hokey Pokey (above) album... The best part is, I can swing by & pick up my winnings when in town instead of paying for shipping (unless I win an item from out of the area) I am currently watching a quilt that I would like to win...just don't tell my hubby,,,it's bad enough I am an Ebay & Craigs List junkie! lol!
Check it out:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's Finished..

Yes, I finally finished my sweet little wall quilt...and I used the remaining fabric to cover the rod. I stitched a long tube of fabric, slid and gathered it over the rod.
I stitched yoyos on the quilt as embellishments.
Now I dont have such a plain looking wall.

A Day at the Hospital

This is my little "Tea Party Playmate", Skylar. She had an unfortunate accident, her pony that she was riding got spooked from some neighboring gunfire and she fell resulting in an emergency trip and over night stay at the hospital...she is so blessed that her injuries are not worse...but she will be slow to mend and will need special assistance for walking until she heals.
The hospital has such wonderful support groups, and they brought her the sweet kitty pillow case as well as the "BooBoo Doggie & Boo Boo Dolly" that she can put band aids on in the areas that 'hurts'.
BooBoo Dolly in a hospital gown....
BooBoo Doggie...with "booboo spots."..
I have a picture of my sweet little friend, Skylar, further down on my blog, she is wearing a special "Skylar Apron" that I made for her.

Thanx for visiting....

Thanx for stopping by to visit, Come back soon....

Work Day

March 7th, 2010 Evan trenching, getting ready for the electrical lines going out to his Man Cave.
Meri dragging fallen branches up to the burn pit.
Gary getting the burn pit started.....
When we get a window of opportunity....we take advantage of this case, it was burn & dig it was a work day for all of us....which was a good thing because it rained the very next day and we are expecting snow tomorrow.

Goatee goats...

If 2's company...what does 3 make? Just 3 of our many grand-critters....can ya tell they are happy?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gone But Not Forgotten

While out and about this week, my photography partner in crime & I spotted these two sad abandoned homes....
This one was on the "Palouse" returning from Oakesdale, WA back over to Rosalia, WA.
As you can see, some of the windows are boarded up and the home in general has been left unattended since I last spotted it, in July 2009.
Did the owners walk away in this bad economic time? Did they loose their farm? Did they pass away leaving the home to Probate Court or some family members who live out of the area and are uninterested in maintaining or keeping this home?...I wonder what it's story is.

This poor old home, once had a heart beat...a life...trials & tribulations, joys and sorrows...maybe if I listen quietly I can hear it's is out in the country, amidst thousands of acres of wheatland, off a dirt road, just left to melt back into the sad.