Monday, May 31, 2010

Boot Purse....

"Leather & Lace"

I made these 2 "Boot Purses" from an old pair of my boots that were pretty much trashed & well worn.... The cost to re-soul was more than what the boots were worth, so....I did what every good little 're-purposer' would do....cut them up and make something new!
Actually I saw a similar idea in a past "Cowboys & Indians" magazine and thought how cute!....tucked the magazine away and forgot about it... But then in a recent MaryJanes Farm magazine she had instructions and tips on how to make them so make I did.
"Tucson & Turquoise"
Lessons I learned about making these...
1. You Will poke your finger multiple times stitching the leather together!
2. You will re-do the bead work because you over/under put beads on the purse!
3a. The shoulder strap, which is made from an old necklace, will break and beads will go rolling all over the floor!
3b. The kitties will think the beads are for their enjoyment & will bat the beads even further around on the floor!
In spite of all this, it was a fun project...using left over lace, beads, earrings, stones,rhinestones, beads, a little horse saddle charm and of course worn out boots.
(you can click on the pics to get a closer view).

Gotta Luv Those YoYos!

Simple denim top that was destine for the Donation Pile...when I thought, why not trim it in YoYo's and get a few more wearings out of here is the end result...

Scrap fabic, old top equals another summer of and wearing....

Gotta Luv those YoYos!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bragging Rights!

Ok, so for those of you who know...this is our sweet, soon to be (we hope & pray) grandbaby...
I call her my "LeiLei" because she is as sweet as a little flower....I luv her baby powder scent, her sweet smile & her bouncing personality. I love kissing her from head to toe.
Can you tell I am a proud Oma?
One thing I discovered, in this top picture,,,she is not to fond of the camera flash... sorry my little LeiLei...
LeiLei at 8months.

Our little LeiLei at 6months.

LeiLei and her first road trip,,,to Seattle....she learned the fine art of shopping and hat!

Another Tire Planter

Ok here is another Tire Planter that my hubby made...but this one is still on it's wheel so when the tire gets flipped inside out it looks like a raised pot.
Cool huh! I now have the paint, just waiting for a warm, sunny, non-windy day to paint..after all, my "pots' are multiplying like sown seeds! lol!
Ok, now to talk the hub's into making a few more for me....I mean our yard! lol!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

More Tire Planters....

More tire planters.... Nice weeds huh! lol! Hey weeds like nice pots too!
We will be placing 2 of the tires by the Pergola that Gary built for me. I can almost see them filled with brightly colored geraniums.

Gary want's to put a few in front of his ManCave & fill them with Marigolds.
So now if we can just get some dry weather & sunshine we will be able to
paint the tire planters.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


This is a "Whatsitdo"....just ask little Peekaboo.... Hubby brought home a old nearly thread bare tire... (uh ya, that would be water in rained before I had a chance to take a picture)
Got his handy dandy coffee can to use as a template, did some tracing, cutting & then flipped the tire inside out and Voila! a Whatsitdo! (we now have 3)
Now for my creative paint them,...and then use as "flower pots" or mini raised bed.
I plan to have a few painted in fun bright sunny colors and put out front by the gate, then I can insert some flower pots ...won't that be cute for the driver by's to see on their way to or from town...
So do you have a "whatsitdo" or two? lol!
There are several sites on how to make the tire planters...just search "Tire Planters" and then check out the ' site in Penn.
Or click on this site....
They both give great instructions & pictures.
We now have 6 and as soon as we get a nice sunny day we will wash & degrease them and then paint them.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday Morning....

So what did you see this morning driving down your country road?
This was my view...even got their own Porta Potty....
Actually it's the local Tractor Club out for a drive.
One of the ranchers down the road has a lovely collection of vintage
tractors and every now & then he pulls them out of the barn for display...
Today there were about 9 of them going down the road.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Are You A Winner?

Don't you just love sweet vintage graphics and wonderful simple hand made craft ideas?
I have found that Vintage Graphics & Indygo Junctions offer both, plus they have a great web site with lots of great ideas and a wonderful Blog...
Plus they offer delightful fact the current one is perfect for us gardening go check it out (click on yellow rose to get to their page).
Oh & I forgot to mention they also have a super News letter that is always accompanied with a free graphic down load...luv it!

Ok, what are you waiting for...go over to the right & click on the yellow rose to go see their site and enter...but mind you, I plan on winning! lol!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Sheets in the Wind"

We had a brief break in the weather where the winds weren't gusting and the sun was actually shining so I took advantage of the weather, opened up all the windows, hung the bedspread & pillows to air out and of course I hung the sheets out as well.
How is it there is always a 'stray' sock in the wash? And yep, now the whole world knows I love Nick & Nora Sheets....
Nick & Nora make a line of fun themed bed wear as well as cute P.J.'s....
Come on, admit it,,,you wish you had fun Flamingo sheets blowing in the!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day.....2010 I made this little pillow from a photo transfer of mom & me.
Mom & papa Bob came up to visit us last Summer.....
Now that I have learned how to make fabric photo transfers...I see
more projects in my future! lol!
Happy Mother's Day, mom

Girls Night Out at Kelly's...

What a fun event at GardenStones. Yummy goodies to snack on, fun prizes and great conversations we all had about everything. Owner of GardenStone~kelly, Lyn from Hidden Treasures and Julia who just had her first story published in the MaryJanes Farm magazine. Woohooo... Girls just want to have fun.....and yes, Tutu's, aprons and tiaras were the fashion statement of the!

Monday, May 3, 2010

YEEHAW & Boot Scootin'

What a great Boot Scooting, Shoppin till we droppin weekend we had down in Prosser, Washington. Tammy, Heather, Karen. Amanda and I meet up with other 'Sisters on the Fly' gal pals as well as our new gal pals from the Tri Cities Area and the Prosser Farm Gals.
The Prosser Farm Girls hosted a wonderful Camping, Glamping, shopping, wine tasting, Alpaca petting weekend. An event we hope will become an annual event....(hint hint to Rene)
We relaxed by our vintage trailers, at the Yakima River. We even enjoyed a good old fashioned Hoe Down in the barn with Zac Grooms entertaining us with his music and humor!
Yep, we even had a good old fashioned "YEEHAW' contest....and no I did not enter even tho Heather dared me to! lol!
If you get the opportunity to hear Zac in concert, do so...He is awesome! YeeHaw!
Nancy our Camp Hostess made sure every detail was perfect right down to the fragrant blooming Lilacs...Oh I am in heaven...they smelled soooo wonderful.
It would take me a day to tell you all about the trip, but I don't think my blog is that big! lol!
But trust me it was a delightful event and we are already looking forward to next years trip.
Happy Trails to you. And don't forget to take time to smell the Lilacs.
Me setting up my Scotty...normally we go overboard on decorating the outsides of our trailers but the Winds were not behaving, so only the insides got cutsiefied up.
Ok, what FUN we had in Prosser this past weekend....and to have had "Zac Grooms" perform for us too! Wozers! I haven't Boot Scooted or YEEHAW'd this much in for ever! lol! Melody and her sweet "pocket puppy" wore matching Farm Girl Aprons! Cute Cute Cute!

Hanging out & relaxing after a long drive to Prosser. (lft to rt) Heather, Karen, Deb's mom, and Rene.

Karen~kpaints scoping out the Aprons and clothes pin bags...

My little Peekie wanting to stow away in hopes I'll take her camping.

Meeting up with Heather, Karen & Amanda over in Cheney...Wagons HO!

My lil Scotty aka Gnome Home was so happy to get on the road.

Ok, speaking of Boot Scootin', poor Rene's husband, Thomas needed a whole box of band-aids after I finished stomping on his feet. What a good sport he is but I bet he won't ask me to dance again! lol!.

Look out Honey, there is a new man in my life! lol! We just met and already he is bored with me! lol!

Well the pictures may not be in order, but I think you get the idea....It was such a fun weekend.
Happy Trails to you, Until we meet again.