Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What Not To Wear!

I've been know to dress eclectic in my younger days but....not this eclectic! lol!

Ever have one of those days where you look into your closet and well, nothing fits or matches or expresses your mood.....all I can say is thank goodness for jeans & cowgirl boots!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Winter Holiday Quilt....

OK, after Hubby & I looked at this photo we both laughed..the first thing that came to mind was "Mr Wilson" from the Tim Allen T.V. show, "Tool Time", were the neighbor, Mr Wilson's full face was never seen... I guess I will have to call my hubby "Mr Wilson"! lol!

Ok, and now about the quilt....this was from a Holiday Quilt Block Swap from 2008....yep, it took me that long to find it and assemble it.
I really need to quit stashing things in hat boxes...I forget that the boxes have stuff in them...and to think I have hat boxes & old vintage suitcases all around the house....full of I don't know whats...lol!
I may be slow, but I do finally get things done! lol!
And now off to finish an Autumn themed quilt, yep from another block swap from 2008.

Re~purposed Glass Light Globes...

So what do you do with Crystal or glass globes?
You re~purpose them of course!
I used a tin lid for the base, found a beaded candle ring in my stash to which I put around the base of the glass chimney and then inserted a little votive candle.
You could also use tea lights or better yet the little battery operated tea lights if you have little children to worry about.
As for the glass globes, now I have wonderful 'pots' to house my Violets in.....
So I am once again I was perusing the 2nd Hand Shops and came across some of the glass 'chimneys' or what ever they are called....I found several of them for .99 cents ...as I looked at them I discovered that the one pictured above is Lead Crystal. I though it would make a great candle chimney since it is Crystal & reflects the light beautifully. I also found a pretty shorter purple one...needless to say, "SOLD" and could hardly wait to get them home, wash them and decorate them for display.
As for the old white utility type glass globes...those were recovered from a dilapidated old trailer..(in other words-Free!), Hubby asked why I wanted them to which I responded...for flower pots! I am sure he thought I was nuts! lol!
Well today I cleaned them up and put some sweet violets in them.
I think I will be on the look out for some more, I see them all the time at 2nd Hand Shops for a dollar.
I plan to get some more, and then I will spray paint the outside of the globes in some complementary colors to my decor...Hmmm, I could even paint them to match the seasons....how cool is that!?! I see Red for Christmas, Rust for Autumn, well you get the idea.
For my violets, I put the plants in a clay pot, and then fill the "globe/bowl" 1/3 with water, place the clay pot into the globe/bowl and then the clay pot wicks the water to keep the violets moist so you don't have to water as often.
Don't you just love "Free"?!

I Luv My Hummies...

It's that time of season where all the birds are stopping by in flocks to fill up at the "All You Can Eat ~ Brown's Dinner"...lol!
We have on average 4 lil Hummies at a time swooping past our heads to get to their nectar.

I can get about 12"-18" from them, and talk,,,yea yea-I talk to the birds.... and they just watch me with out taking flight.
The other day I was standing next to the feeder and a lil Hummie landed on the feeder without any fear of me...his (or her) lil feet were sooo tiny.
It was interesting to see that their wings span the length of their bodies.
They just kept coming and often as lil Hummies do, they would chase off the other Hummie and while those two are playing chase, another Hummie would come up to the feeder.
Hummies have a tendency to be territorial and don't like to share...but they are also very playful and talkative.
Soon they will start their Migration along with all the other birds but while they are here I will do my best to fatten them up for their journey south.
My dear friend Bev, who lives in Pennsylvaina is enjoying her treasure trove of Hummies too. Check them out on her blog at:
I'll miss these little guys come Winter but look forward to their return next Spring.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Young and the Old...

The Old...
This is our Ms Beasley...our elderly kitty...she walked into our hearts 18 years ago and now we are watching her ageing before our eyes... she has issues with her spleen & kidneys and we know it is just a matter of time...before she goes over the "Rainbow Bridge"...oh how our hearts are breaking....Even in her frail health she is so sweet and loving and loves to be snuggled up with us. We are savoring every moment with her.
The Young....
This is our lil "Phoobit" all tho' I have been calling her "Cupie" lately because she look like
a Cupie Doll.
I can't believe how fast she is growing...her two bottom teeth just broke through...
The young & the old and I am somewhere in between! lol!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Little of This & That....

What a cool old radio...can you believe I won it in an auction...and for only $23.00 SCORE!
And....it works! How cool is that!?
Ahhh, to sleep like a kitty.....my little 'peekaboo' can sleep most anywhere....so where does your kitty sleep?
It's lavender harvest time.....and so it begins, cut...dry...de-bud...craft...
This is a quilt that I finally got around to assembling from blocks in a 'quilt block swap' 2008....
The sad thing is, the lovely lady who was the "swap mama" for this swap, passed away from cancer several months later. I couldn't emotionally work on the quilt so I tucked the blocks away in a box.
The other day I was rummaging through some boxes when I came upon it... I decided I needed to assemble the blocks in tribute to Clare...
Clare's block is in the lower left corner.
"Clare.... I hope you like how it turned out & Thank you for touching our lives with your love of quilting."
This isn't a great photo, but it is of a lovely old sewing cabinet. I think it is from Europe as it has built in plug receptacles, but they are the round type prongs like they have in Germany...or?
I love the turquoise serving dish...probably 1960's....I found it at "Hidden Treasures" an antique/collectibles shop in Airway Heights, WA.
Look what hubby brought me.....is this COOL or What?...it's a radio antenna with a horse head silhouette...it is now proudly on my Jeep.
Ok, once again I have gotten out of control with a can of spray paint...hey ya know what I always say..."if it moves, Salute it...if it don't...paint it!" lolol!
I found the 2 tacky brassy lipstick holders at a local Thrift Shop for .99 cents each. The glass holder was only .49 cents and the Bundt pan was .99 cents...
I LUV spray paint! lol!
OK...someone hide the 'post-its' from me!....
Am I the only one who has to mark nearly every page with a post-it...to save that page? lol!
My dear friend, Bev, came across this book and sent it to me...my early Christmas present...what she didn't know was that I had been reading about the author, Sharon Shipley and this book... Bev...you know me all to well! Now can ya send me some more post-its? lol!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

'Harvest Treasures' in Airway Heights.

OMG! Look at these cute "Scotty" glasses...they will look so cute in my Scotty Trailer.
I bought this mixer today,,ya ya, I know I have 18 vintage mixers, why do I need another one...because I just do! lol!
Look what I SCORED today! A Cute mid-Century Dormeyer Mixer.(rt)
I went to the 'Harvest Treasures' event in Airway Heights today. Hosted by Garden Stone Creations....
Besides having a wonderful time visiting with friends who are/were vendors I had the opportunity to meet some wonderful new vendors ....
What a great local event it turned out to be and what a great bunch of cleaver & crafty ladies.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am not sure who said it,,,but I totally concur....

"A balanced diet is...Chocolate in both hands"

Is this yummy or what....
I am partial to 'Lavender Dark Chocolate'....it truly is a unique and delightful flavor for the senses.
Chocolates have come a long way, from 2 choices,, Milk Chocolate and Dark Chocolate.
Now there is a wide array of chocolates, from fruit flavored and Lavender to Spicy.
Each yummy in it's own rights....so get out of your comfort zone of plain old chocolate and adventure out into the world of 'kicked up a notch' to decadent chocolates.
Every now and then we need to treat ourselves to a special treat.

But just for the record, I still have a place in my heart for peanut M&M's washed down with an iced cold Pepsi! lolol! hey, it's a food group...sort of!

Monday, August 9, 2010

What Am I Up To Now!

Hmmm, what mischief could I possibly be up to this time?
Clue: it involves my 1963 Trailer, friends, food & horses....
But to find out, you will have to go over to my trailer blog....
Happy Trails!

CHOCOLATE!!!!! Cowgirl Chocolates No Less!

I Found Them! "Cowgirl Chocolates"
Enter at your own risk! Chocoholics beware!
I am in Chocoheaven!

Ok, so I have been a big fan of Cowgirl Chocolates since 2 years ago when I came across them at a local street fair in Moscow, Idaho, and then at the Farm Chicks show last & this year....
I love their Dark Chocolate Lavender bars...and have just discovered their array of "Spicy Chocolates!" I am such a "chocoholic! lol!
Anyways, I drove by their shop a week ago on my way to the Elk River,,, ya can't just hit your brakes when towing a trailer,,,so I said, "self, remember where you saw them"....
Then on my way to Deary, Idaho, I spotted them again,,,Shoot! towing trailer...can't stop...but I will be back!
On Saturday I snuck back over to Moscow, ID...and when I spotted them, threw my Jeep into Park, dashed out of the jeep and hoofed it over to the Cowgirl Chocolate Shop! Score!
I was in Chocolate Heaven! And...a life size cardboard poster of Dale Evans ta boot!
Needless to say I did not leave empty handed....
I can check them off my "Bucket List" but don't worry, now that I know where they are,,,I will be visiting every time I go to Moscow and when I can't get over to Moscow...I will go to my friendly little laptop, click on them in "My Favorite" and shop...ah, life doesn't get any easier.
Check them out at cowgirlchocolates.com or go over to 'My Favorite Places to Visit' and click on 'Cowgirl Chocolates' and it will take you right to them...Happy (chocolate) Trails to You!

Small Towns and Old Churches

Welcome to Downtown Troy Idaho....population aprox:728
How sad a once was community church lays abandoned and in disrepair.
I spotted these cut mailboxes on a side street...I think I need a cute mail box!
Troy is a small community that lays south of Moscow Idaho, probably one of the many logging communities that were on route/Hwy 8 in Idaho. But as the logging industry changed so did this and many other communities.
But they manage to survive, and have their own special quaintness....
I love quaint towns, with their juxtapose of old and new,...just trying to survive in a world that has sort of forgotten them, left them behind for the modern technologies of today.
I love getting "off the interstate" to explore....and when you do, you meet the most wonderful people who know how to slow down and chat....

Small Town Parade...

The small town of Deary, Idaho....had their annual parade....
with horses, wagons, Muscle cars & politicians...
It was quaint, except there is only one way in & out of town, Hwy 8, and when the parade is on, nobody gets in or out of town as the parade route is right smack dab on the Hwy, which was closed off...so ya might as well buy yourself a bottle of Squirt soda, & sit on the bumper of your car & enjoy, 'cuz your gonna be there awhile...trust me! lol!
Yes, parades in Small Town USA still do exist.
I love a Parade!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Girl Camp...July 2010

Hmmmmm, are you wondering what this is all about?
Just go to the "My Trailer" icon (lower right), click on it & you'll see.....
Happy Glampy Trails....

I Need (more) Therapy!

So, here you see why I need Therapy! Scary huh!

This is part of my "Silver Collection"
I am a "Collectaholic"..I wonder if there is a 12-Step Program for me?
Can you spot my collection of Tea Cups(in box) and saucers?(stacked)
I also collect what I call "Tourist Plates"...I will have to post a picture of them, but I will save them for another time. Oh & as it turns out, I am not the only one with an affliction for Tourist Plates...turns out one of my wonderful friends dose too! Who New! lol!
Now it's spilling onto the floor....yikes!
I luv Cake Tins...and there are more hidden behind the ones up front.
I also luv vintage 1950's & 60's kitchen gadgets & what-nots.
Not to mention my little fabric stash and 2 mid-century sewing machines in their cases, hidden under overflowing fabric...('tween the 2 sets of shelves, on the floor)
I also luv vintage wash boards, especially glass ones. As you can see, our little Dolly-girl is checking out the small washboard...it is a "Lingerie Board", it was used for ladies dedicates, hankies, gloves, slips, well you get the idea.
I have a 4th wash board in my kitchen, I attached coffee hooks on it to hang my aprons from.
Ok, this is kinda scary! I have this life-size autographed Steve Garvy display with actual
autographs from sports players, actors & actresses and other celebrities from the early 1980's.
All the rest of the "stuff" is my stock pile of Vintage/Victorian/Roses/Western themed
decorative stuff for my 1959 Aljo trailer, when it has been fully restored....but for now all this stuff stays here.
So, when Hubby Dearest & I bought this house, neither of us were to keen on the "Basement" concept...having come from California, we mostly had 'Ranch Style' homes and no need for basements...however I have discovered (tho not fond of them) basements are a great place for storing ones collectibles, treasures or as my hubby calls it,,,"All my junk"! lol! Hey at least it's not out in his Man Cave taking up space! lol!
I try to rotate my vintage linen display on this wonderful handmade linen rack that is well over 60 years old. It was given to me by my lovely neighbor...she knew it would be perfect to hang my goodies on.....problem is, I have 3 suit cases,,,vintage of course, full of linens...
Ok, it's official...I Need Therapy....or a bigger basement! lol!

A Day at the Beach...sort of...

Meri & "Poobit" playing in the water....have you any idea how much water a diaper can hold!...we do Now! lol!
Meri & Leilei getting water logged....

Meri, her friend Brenda, Brenda's Mom-in-law, and I all went to Coeur d'Alene, ID., for an afternoon of window shopping, lunching and playing in the waters with the (3)babies & Skylar.
Some days you just have to play hooky from chores and get out and play.