Monday, September 27, 2010

Fraidy Kat....

I am going Glamping this up coming weekend, so I thought I would put together some fun decorative things since the theme of our camping trip is, "Halloween-Ho Down".
I am not into the ghoulish scary things of Halloween but I do enjoy the fun silly stuff.
Well I found this vibrant fabric and said to myself..."Self, this would make a great table topper"
So I bought it & some bright orange fabric, got home cut, cut, snip snip, stitch stitch and iron iron and Voila' look what I have...a table topper with a kitty attached to it! lolol!
Dolly girl made a beeline for it the moment I laid it down....she is no " Fraidy Kat"...

Friday, September 17, 2010

I Love Babysitting....

I love baby sitting...and who wouldn't.... I love it when Phoobit's eyes light up when I walk into the room.

Seeing is Believing....

Seeing... is... Believing......
You just never know what you will see downtown Spokane.....
Yep. this is a "Boat-Car"... It seems the guy driving must be a real boat lover or is very confused as to whether he wants to be on land or water....
It was 4:30, and I was heading home after an afternoon of errands in town.
At first I thought...'did I really see what I saw?'.... Nope, no afternoon Martinis involved...I really did see this.
Only in!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dollies Dollies & More Dollies...

Gee, do you think I have enough Dollies?...oh wait, these are the ones I just got on auction....
I have lost count of how many gazillion dollies I now have....but between my vintage linens, hankies & aprons.....I either need a "12-Step Program" or another vintage suitcase to stash my latest finds in.
I washed and shaped this batch and now to figure out where to put them....
I love dollies and to think some mom, grandmom, aunt or even young girl, probably sat in a comfy chair, finally relaxing after a arduous day of house work, taking time to rest her mind and do a little crocheting or tatting.
I admire these gifted ladies who could and still do practice the art of crocheting & tatting.

Breakfast of Champions....

Some mornings you just have to have a "Breakfast of Champions"....and for me that would be a cup of creamy coffee & a fresh (I baked them the day before) Huckleberry Scone with peach preserves on it....
What a great way to start off an otherwise gloomy morning.
And of course it has to be served on a sweet vintage Dollie.
Good Morning world!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lavender Pruning...

Well, all my lavender plants are harvested & I am finishing up the pruning.... it's kind of sad to see my sweet lavender plants all pruned purple flowers, no bees, no sweet scent as I walk my little lavender field.
I left a few spikes on some of the plants just for the occasional late bee hanging around for one last sweet buzz through the lavender.
I only found one praying mantis today in the lavender so I guess the rest have moved on or?
On the plus side, next year I'll get to enjoy another season of lavender dreams.
But for now, 'Tata' little bees, butterflies, lady bugs, praying mantis, salamanders and mice....yes I said mice...they like to come out from the field next door and play 'hide-n-seek' around the rock boarder of my lavender field.

September 2010

Dolly-girl keeping watch over my latest quilt project.
Wahoo! I finally finished my Autumn themed quilt from a 'Block Swap' .
It was tucked away for 2 years and I finally decided it was time to complete it.
And as always, I used yoyos to embellish the quilt.

So as I was working at the dining room table, finishing up my quilt I looked out the window & this is what I saw...
Hubby wanted to get my worked! lol!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Look Who Has Teeth!

LeiLei has 2 teeth...
Phoobit has 2 teeth...
Ok, why is it when you try your darnedest to take a photo of baby get blurred photos and uncooperative wee ones!....
It was a full on 'babies vs Grammy' wrestling match...but in the end...I won, sort of.
With one hand I was trying to hold/entertain my wee ones and hold my camera with my other hand...and all the while trying not to laugh so hard that I would really blurr these photos...
Anyways my two lil grand babies both have their bottom 2 front teeth and now their top ones are trying to push through. Can we say "drool fest" ! lol!
Oh and a little is full speed ahead for LeiLei's adoption.....who knows, her adoption could become final by the end of October. We're praying.
As for Phoobit, still trying, just got to deal with the Legal System hick-ups, etc.
But it's our prayer that someday(really soon) both little girls will be our legal grand babies and our daughter & son-in-law's legal daughters.
Until then, I am getting my camera ready for more photos of more teeth to come. lol!