Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Looking a lot like Christmas...

My Christmas aprons are hung,
My 'Flakey Friends' are gathering...
My sweet Winter Quilt is hung by the entry....
Yep, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at our house....

What do you get when...

What do you get when you combine 2 cute lil girls, a skein of yarn, a hook and a loom....
You get a silly loomed cap that neither lil girls want to wear! lol!
Oh well, maybe I should stick to the fleece caps.....lol!

Keeping Busy...

2 cute little aprons for 2 very cute little girls...
2 fleece caps for 2 very cute little girls...
Rag Doll & cloth book for lil Soleil aka Leilei....whose adoption is official on Friday....
Happy Day Happy Day Happy Day Happy Day

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving....

I bought this silly sign about 7 years ago and each year since, I have placed it in
the front window.....and since we have a lot of wild turkeys up here in our
neck of the woods,,,,
I am sure they see this & think we are a "Safe House" for wayward turkeys...
Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours.

Happy Birdies....

This is what I usually am greeted by each morning...
I wonder if they gather here to discuss their plans for the day,,,
Or maybe it is a "Birdie Coffee Klatch"..
Or because they get a kick outta watching me shuffle around the house, wearing my frumpy chenille robe and carrying my mug of hot coffee as I wander around the house looking for my reading glasses!
So I guess the question really is....Who is entertaining Who!?! lol!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Waiting for a Tweet....

Each morning my little feathered friends wait for me to come out & fill their feeders...
Now that the snow is upon us I try to fill the bird feeders each morning & late afternoon....let me tell you, it's bone chilling cold out there...but for my little friends I am willing to do it.

Little Church in the Middle of the Woods...

Not sure but I think this was a little old church that had been added on to over the years...
But for what ever reason, was left behind,,,no more happy voices, no uplifting music, no Sunday gatherings or weddings or Christenings.....just a sad old building, forgotten by time and people...
I wish I could rescue it.....
We had taken our friends to the Airport and on the way home we decided to take the route less traveled and that is how we found this old building.
At about this time it started snowing, so we decided it was time to head home, make some hot cocoa and relax by the fire.
If only I could remember where we found this old building...I guess we'll have to take another "route less traveled" drive...

Happy Blizzard Days...

Yep, first Blizzard of the season....started on Monday and ended by mid day today...
Poor hubby has had to plow the driveway 2 mornings in a row to be able to get out of our driveway.....we are now down in the single digit temps....actually it is -3degrees....

There use to be a garden in here.....honest!
By tomorrow, we should have a 'herd of hoof prints' across the property... the deer cross from behind our property to the front side to get across to the road.
The good news is the snow has stopped for now and we should get just a little tomorrow but by Thanksgiving we might get some sunshine and a high of 30degrees,,,waahooo!

Hubby Took Me to a Graveyard...

This past weekend my hubby took me to a Graveyard,,,a vintage car graveyard that is..
Check out the cool old gas pump just to the left of the door.
I am in awe of all the old rusted vintage vehicles from the early Model A's & T's with wooden spoke wheels to the cool boulevard cruising cars of the 1950's.

Sadly, a good example of waste....Thank goodness there are some die hard vintage car afficiado restorers...
We have a restored 1954 Chevy Bel Air housed in our ManCave,,,,it is so cool to sit in the drivers set, with that huge steering wheel and beefy attention getting horn....It reminds me of when I was a little girl, riding in the ginormous back seat our family car...only now I can sit up front, next to my handsome hubby, radio playing, windows down, and just 'chillaxing'...

This old building is filled with parts, parts & more parts......
I found this interesting...an old truck door with the advertisement fading away.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What Were They Thinking????

911, what's your emergency please.....
Help my husband is beating me again....
Well dear, did you make sure to use the freshest coffee for him?
Oh Baby, let me bow before you with this tray of fresh coffee and your newspaper, oh & did I tell you how handsome you look waking up in bed with your crisp white shirt & tie on?
What a Hoot!
Like the Virginia Slims cigarett ads use to say,,,
"We've Come a Long Way Baby!"
Vintage Ads are the funniest things not to mention sexist.....
I love my dear hubby of 38 years...but I draw the line at this! lol!
Don't confuse Domestic Diva with Domestic servant! lol!
hmmm, now where did I put that rolling pin?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Misc. This-n-That...

I decided not to go overboard this year on Thanksgiving deco, so I just put out my "AnnaLee Pilgrims"(shown a few topics below) and just a few of my turkeys from my collection.
This label is on the white wool shawl that I found at a local Thrift, for only $1.99...SCORE!
I laundered it and I actually use it when rocking in my chair, usually with a kitty in my lap.
I found this mid 1970's rocker that was made for & delivered to a lady in Spokane, WA...
I wonder if she is still around?
I discovered it in an upscale 2nd hand shop. I plan to recover the fabric but for now I just enjoy it, especially in the morning, cup of coffee in one hand, a kitty in my lap and watching the "Bird Channel"...lol! (birds on my balcony & feeders).
Ok, if you ask my hubby dearest,,,he will tell you..I am always bringing home "Honey-do projects" for him....and these 2 chairs are a good example..
The little one is a small student's solid Oak chair, that had layers of paint...
I bought it for $1.99, brought it home, hubby did his wood working magic and Voila'! instant cute chair....
As for the larger student desk/chair, I found it for $7.99, it needed some TLC to which my hubby took it apart, striped, glued & stained it & brought it back to life.
I have a couple of 100% wool blankets stashed under the chair... (I collect Wool Blankets).
I love that my hubby doesn't fuss to much when I bring these cast offs home for him to refurbish & bring back to life. So glad I can tap into his love of wood working....
Little does he know I want him to strip the finish off the rocker above & re-stain it...my job will to be to re-upholster it....see, I do help! lol!

First Snow of 2010

Yep, here it is..our first snow of the season,,, Nov. 13.2010
It only snowed for about 1 1/2 hours,,,,and already is melting...
Can you see my little foosteps in the snow? I had to put seeds out in the feeders for my little bird friends...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Last of the Taters....

Yep, it's official, my garden is done....and these are the last of my taters...
I used half of these taters in a soup for tonights dinner and as for the rest, we'll eat them in the next day or two...
Now I will have to actually buy potatos again..... bummer.

Give Thanks....

It's that time of year when we slow down from Summer's hectic pace and realize how blessed we are to have what we have, be it a modest, humble dwelling or more....
We start thinking less about us and more about others,,,,
My family and I are greatful for our Military who unquestionably serve and protect our Great Nation and are the first to help protect other countries.
We are greatful for the leadership of our Government,,,we may not always agree with a particular view, but we are fortunate to live in a country that allows us the freedom to Vote, Worship, and express our opinions with out fear of imprisonment or worse....
We are greatful for Organizations that show charity to the poor, homeless, physically & mentally challenged....providing food and shelter for them....
We are greatful for the opportunity to volunteer and help in anyway...not just standing in a food service line and putting food on the plates of less fortunate, but to be behind the scenes, cleaning up trash and washing dishes.
We are greatful for all that we have and to be able to give back to those who have not.
We are greatful to be able to 'Give Thanks'.

1st Frost of the Season

Well Mother Natures "Seasonal Alarm Clock" went off this morning, and we got our first frost of the season....it is pretty in it's own way, but I will terribly miss playing outside in the hot sun, gardening, weeding and smelling all the scents of summer...
But with Autumn comes a whole new way of life, a little slower, a little cooler, a little more encouraging to sit back with a hot cup of tea, a good book or needle work project and to watch the migrating birds, the deer coming closer to the house for food...and best of all the wonderful smell of a fresh batch of spiced cookies baking in the oven....
Happy Autumn.....

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

New Christmas Tree Idea...NOT!

Ok, don't laugh,,,somewhere out there, there is a man with a tree like this in his living room, next to his wide screen T.V. and mini fridge stocked w/Pale Ale....lol!
NO we won't have one of these trees in our home and NO hubby won't have one in his ManCave either! lol!