Friday, December 31, 2010

Do I Luv Aprons????

Is this a Hoot or what!!!!?????
Yep, the age old Q & A....what to do with Grammie's old chenille potty seat cover????
Why,,, make an apron out of it of course! lolol!
I found (& bought) this silly apron, after all, this is one I Do Not have in my collection!
How about you?
Hubby & I love our favorite little Vintage shop over on Monroe St, in Spokane, WA., called
"Area 58" ...we never leave empty handed!
My last fantastic purchase of 2010!

Last Day of Single Digits & Snow.....

Welcome! come on in,,,but wipe your feet first! lol!
Last snow for 2010,,,,,I took these photos this morning, and you know, it really is pretty, but it is also very cold, we have been in the single digits weather, but at least the sun came out today!
Good-by 2010, Thanx for another interesting year, for the Blessings of 2 beautiful grand babies, good health, an abundance of love and of course lot's Garden & Camping time.
Happy 2011....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


My poor old clothes line is so lonely.....
Tomorrow it's suppose to be -1 degree in the morning and a high of 17degrees...ohhh!
"We ain't in Kansas no more Toto"....

More SNOW!

Up here you just never know what you are going to wake up to....this morning it was about 7" of Snow!
And as you can see, still snowing! Oh Joy!

Last Apron of the Year

I am making this last 2010 Apron for a farm gal over in has wreaths of apples, sunflowers & lavender.....and as you know, I love lavender!
It has criss crossing straps that snap on & off....easy to put on & take off. I added some sweet machine made lace to the pocket and as always, yoyos!
Hope Heather likes it.
You can click on the photos to see a closer view of the fabric print.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

More pics.....

So glad you joined let me brag for a minute!
Ok, we did manage to get a photo of Grandpa...or is it Santa in disguise?
LeiLei and her 'fluffy baby', a sweet gift from my childhood friend, Irmgard.
Grandpa playing with his little girlie~girls... what a great Opa he is.

Santa's Helpers Had Fun...

(Be prepared for a stack of "Brag Photos", in fact you might want to go refill your coffee mug before you get started! lol!)
The above photo is of me 'walking' with lil LeiLei plays by the new kiddie kitchen.

My daughter, Meri checking out what Santa brought her, as I watch.
Evan 'teaching' Phoobit how to drive! After all, just 15 more years till she wants a drivers license.
Phoobit has mastered forward,,,now to figure out right turns! lol!
Look at her go!
Drag Racing...Phoobit & sister LeiLei are racing for 'pink slips'!
Oma and LeiLei.....LeiLei spotted the presents.....
LeiLei hasn't mastered the "rip open the presents" yet,,,but she did have fun playing with her bathtub ducky.
LeiLei modeling her apron that I made for her....
Now both LeiLei & Phoobit have their very own can never start them to young!
I made matching itty bitty pot holders,,,they are around here somewhere!
Hurry & take the picture,,, HoHoHo!
Sisters playing with their new even has a cell phone! OMG! what will they think of next? lol!
Meri & LeiLei, and I, holding a wiggly Phoobit.
Mommy & Oma(me) are invited to play with Lei's & Phoo's kitchen.
Whew! aren't you glad you filled your coffee mug! lol!
If you are wondering where Grandpa is...well he was the designated Photographer!
Merry Christmas and to all, A Good Night!.

Friday, December 24, 2010


The better the friend,,,the less cleaning you do before she comes over...
(Hallmark greeting)
HoHoHo & Have a Very Merry Christmas.
(photo from 2007:grace & cissygirl)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Red, Red & More Red....

Check it out...well actually you'll have to go over to my trailer blog to find out more about these cool towels & fabric from my pal Bev...(lil trailer icon over on the right side)....LUV IT!
My trailer camping gal pal, Tammy, found and gave me this cool Scotty mug, which by the way was made in Germany just like me....and my sweetheart of a hubby told me to get this cool tote bag....
Both are going into my Serro Scotty trailer...oh how I can hardly wait for Summer so I can go play in my trailers again.....yes, I said trailer(s)...
Check it out, My friend, Elizabeth sent me these cute red towels as she knows I love my kitties.
The black & white fabric is pre-printed labels for quilts in a cat motif,,,EllynAnne sent them to me as she also knows my passion for my kitties.
The 1966 apron pattern is from my mom as she knows I am an apronista.....
What a fun week this has been......I feel like I have won the Lottery!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Babies & Santa....

Sometimes babies & Santa are not a good mix! lol!
Soleil was less than delighted to meet the Jolly guy in the Red Suit! Phoobit on the other hand was trying to figure out who was behind that beard!
Thank goodness their mommy was smart enough to bring baby biscuits to calm them....
Oma (me) was to busy trying not to laugh so hard while taking photos of the whole event!
I sometimes think, Santa & his Elves just don't get paid enough to do this gig! lolol!
HoHoHo & Merry Christmas...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I Think I Need One of These....

How cool, a simple, no muss, no fuss grain grinder.....
It is similar to a hand crank pasta cutter but is for grinding up grains fancy fussing and no electricity,,,so if our power ever goes out I will be able to still grind grains in the dark! lol!

Why I Drink Tea @ 3

This is why I dring tea at 3pm nearly every day..... and this is after some of the snow had melted away!
I Usually drink green tea or else I will drink a black tea with a wedge of lemon,,,to help lift me up out of my Winter Dull Drums... finding a cookie or two helps as well!
I soooo miss the sun and my garden.....
Is this what they mean by the, "Winter Blues" ????
Yes, this photo was taken at 3:30P.M. (yesterday).

Apron Swap Santa!

OMG! Look what I got from Linda, my Flirty Apron Swap, swap sister.....don't pay attention to the kitty in the photo, she was just being nosey!
I placed the packages in order of the word, SANTA....each package has a "letter" attached to give me a clue as to what is in the package...
Oh Wowzers! my apron was made from found vintage fabric by Linda.
Then she crochet/knitted me a lovely snuggly green neck scarf.
I don't know if you can see the "banner" but it is soooo cool and each banner has glittered letters to spell out "Jingle" made from vintage graphics....I have seen these on various blogs & just love them.
Then there is a 3-pack of Holiday towels and yummy chocolate which I did share with my hubby.
S - scarf
A - assorted chocolates
N - nostalgic graphics banner
T - tea towels
A - apron from vintage fabric....
I luv Santa! and Linda too!
Thank you both!
I have been on the look out for a vintage Mirror & brush set for quite some time....and today was my day!
Score, an old ~ 'new in the box' set,,,and the best part,,,,besides never having been was made in the USA!
It was probably a gift to a mother/grandmother that was never sad, but so glad that I am now the proud new owner.
The mirror is beveled mirror and the box is sort of a peach & gold color motif, with a lite blue satin lined box.
Ok, I am up to 9 Holiday aprons from apron swaps..... a gal can never have enough aprons!
I love these cute Holiday trees with the little lite pegs,,,,but I have never seen one like this, with the sweet faced children's choir..... it is dated 1983 on the bottom, so it is only 27 years old, but I love it just the same. The 'snow' covered tree is covered with glitter but did not show in the photo.
phew! what a busy day! now to maybe clean up my desk,,or not! maybe I'll just enjoy my mug of hot Amaretto & Chocolate....
Hey Santa, I have been a good girl!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

December FaLaLaLa....

I love traditional Christmas decor and fabrics,,, but I am also very eclectic and love silly Holiday fabrics, as you can see. This apron certainly is opposite the traditional Christmas Red & Green.
I could not resist the whimsical retro scene and these colors just pop!
Orange just might be the new Red! lol!
I made this fun little "Dinner Style" apron for a friend of mine who is not afraid of color and is herself quite a colorful character.
But as you can see, my little 'Peekaboo' kitty is having separation issues...she doesn't want me to take 'her' apron away, sorry Peekie, I will make you another one!
I am in 2 apron swaps this Holiday Season, and here is the first apron I have received,,,
I have this same pattern and love makes for a fast fun apron and the designs and details are endless.(below)
Thank you so very much dear Sue for my cutie of a sweet apron.
I have a vintage washboard hanging on the wall in my kitchen where I seasonally change out my aprons, so right now I have all of my Holiday themed aprons hanging,,,
I probably spend more time trying to decide which apron to don then I do preparing our dinner out of the box! lol!
My kitchen motto: "I've been slavin' over microwavin'. " lol!
Thank you again Sue for my cute lil apron, I love the whimsical gift box print, oh & I was going to save the chocolate for a rainy's raining! lolol!
Merry Christmas to all......