Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tangled Tinsel!

OK, I have decided to not let anything get me twitterpaited this Winter or the Holidays.... So I have decided to make this my "reminder"... when things get a bit out of control or frustrating...
"Don't get your Tinsel in a Tangle!"

HoHoHo !

OK, my first Christmas decorations (aprons) are up.... now I need to head to the storage room and start pulling out the boxes (many more boxes) of Christmas decorations! hohoho!

These are just a few of my Holiday aprons.... I either need to hang up another vintage wash board to hang the rest of my Holiday aprons or rotate my aprons weekly... lol! I mean HoHoHo!

Turkey Overload.

This is what Turkey over load looks like... even our kitties get to enjoy a little turkey on Thanksgiving.... Poor Dolly~girl,, I suspect she will sleep for hours! lol!

Hope you had a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving.

My Girlies....

Ready for Thanksgiving and all our Blessings.
My 2 sweet grand daughters, Phoobee & Leilei.... in their matching "Hand~Gobble" aprons.

My daughter & her two little girls.. Leilei is 26 months old and phoobee is 22months old.

They are the cutest little blessings.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Winter Time is Here....

Hmmmm, Peek-a-boo kitty is snoozing...
Dolly~girl is snoozing...

Phoobee is bundled up....

Leilei is bundled up...

and the girlies are ready to go outside...well sort of...still need to find their socks & snow boots!

Yep, Wintertime is here... Have a fun day in the snow!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Repurposed Pillows

What do you get when you combine old cast off deco pillows, dingle ball fringe, vintage Bark Cloth Drapes & left over Chenille fabric????

Why new deco pillows!

The Chenille fabric was a bright white so I brewed a batch of tea and 'stained' the cloth to give it that aged look. The vintage bark cloth was an old curtain panel that I bought, washed, dried, ironed, cut and stitched up. I sewed on the smaller size dingle ball fringe instead of the larger size fringe. I didn't want the fringe to over-power the pillow. I love the way it turned out.

Rag Babies for My Babies.

I came across this pre-printed fabric of rag dolls and could not resist making them for my (grand)baby girls.... This one is for my little Jada~phoobee

This one is for my little Soleil~Leilei...

I even machine embroidered their names on the dollies. I can hardly wait to give these 'babies' to my babies.

Baby Smock~ Pinnie

I found this sweet green vintage Baby Smock~ Pinnie at an Estate Sale this Summer.... I was very intrigued and decided to make one myself... so I dug through my stash of cast off fabrics and came across a pillow case that I thought would be perfect.... actually from a standard size pillowcase I was able to cut out 3 of these smocks.

The wee little pocket gave me fits so I decided to not use the bias tape on it. Using tiny bias tape is quite the challenge when you are dependent on old lady reader glasses! lol!.

I sergered the entire apron first and then added the binding.... all said and done it turned out well,,,, it did require a lot of fussy stitching but now I can chalk off 'Baby Smock~Pinnie' from my 'To-Do' list! lol!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 12th, 1972

Well today is mine & Gary's 39th Wedding Anniversary and what better way to spend it then to roll up our sleeves and help out at a Horse Rescue.....
Rough Start Horse Rescue is not to far from where we live and they had just taken in 10 more abandoned horses this past weekend,,, with the coming snow...which did arrive today...they needed help throwing up a couple of Lean to's for the horses as shelter to get out of the weather. When we arrived, we got straight to work knowing that the snow was just a matter of hours away. The horses were not the least bit fazed by us and they continued to eat and walk around us watching with curiosity.

Gary & Katie got straight to work squaring up and bracing the frame, after that the walls started going up fast.

It was bone chilling cold, but Katie, Jay, Gary and I were determined to get as much done as we could....unfortunately by 3pm the snow had arrived in a flurry.

This sweetheart was so loving, as were all the horses. Each with their own sad story to tell about being homeless, abandoned or mistreated.

This little cutie looked at me as if it wanted to ask me to take her home with us. Oh if only I could.... I am such a sucker for big brown eyes!

These two kept walking around us, curious to see what we were doing....I am sure had they had thumbs they would have asked us for a hammer so they could help.

You can read more about 'Rough Start Rescue' on my Face Book page. They have an upcoming fund raiser, "Pies for Ponies" go to Face Book and visit them. They could also use any and all donations to help off-set Vet & food costs.

Happy Trails to you......

p.s.... I wuv you my sweetheart of 39 years! Happy Anniversary.

Aprons & Potty Bling!

My daughter and I were out and about at our favorite Nursery~Gift shop when we spotted this in the window! I must say, it did give us a case of the giggles!

I finished up the Thanksgiving aprons that I was sewing for my daughter, my 2 sweet little grand babies and even one for myself.... we certainly will look stylish on Thanksgiving Day. I spotted this cute 'handprint turkey' printed fabric and thought it was perfect for kiddie aprons and well oh what the heck I could not resist making a mommy & grandmommy apron too!

Every year EllynAnn Geisel, the author of "The Apron Book", challenges us to share the Holiday Spirit with others. EllynAnne leads the way by baking fresh goodies and wrapping them in linens and share with others. What a great idea. Who knows, the neighbor you rarely see might truly appreciate your kindness.

As EllynAnne says, " Tie One On, an Apron of course!"....

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Best of Intentions...

Ok, so today I really did have the best of intentions to get some sewing done this afternoon.... but try as I might, I just could not stay focused... I did get some machine embroidery finished, and 4 aprons cut out... but when it came to sitting at my sewing machine I just wasn't focused... so instead I decided to go play with some paper crafting and this is what I came up with.
I have seen these 'Banners' on my sweet friend, MaryJane's blog & etsy shop,
( ) She makes the cutest little tags, notebooks and banners.... so I thought why not give it a try.... well let me tell you.... I spent nearly 2 hours making this one.... next time I am just going to call Maryjane, and place my order.... and then sit back and eat BonBons! lol!
As for my sewing,,,, don't worry, I'll get back to it tomorrow! well maybe... lol!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fabric Junkie...

OK, so to make sure I don't go stark raving loony this Winter...(they say it's going to be another long cold one! aacckk!) I have been adding to my ever growing stock pile of fabric & craft projects. The Chenille & vintage bark cloth will soon be deco pillows for one of my trailers...and the T-shirt (folded) will also become a pillow..... as for the yellow 'handprint turkey' print fabric... that will become 3 'Diner' style 1/2 aprons.... as will the red print fabric.

Now for my favorite find.... is this printed Burlap kool or what? OMG! I feel like a "Country Living Magazine" moment coming to decide what to do with it.

Frame it? make deco pillows out of it or re-upholster a chair seat with it... oh what to do!

I could even make hanger sachets filled with lavender. I wonder if I can use stamp ink, and a fat print rubber stamp and create my own printed burlap.... hmmmm ????

Speaking of 'framing' I found 2 cheap frames at a local Thrift, took out the cheesy photos and got a can of handi-dandi purple spray paint.... Voila' instant cute purple frames. So I found this sweet fabric, brought it home & washed it.... now to iron it & layout some family photos & finish framing it. I already have the perfect place to hang them.

I have an ever growing collection of vintage Lucite Grape Clusters, some in the shape of a hanging lamp and even candle stick holders.... I love these grape clusters.... some have plastic leaves, some with silk cloth leaves and I even have one with acrylic leaves.... did I mention I love collecting Lucite Grape Clusters? lol!

Ok, Mr Winter, bring on the snow... I have a pile of projects stashed in my sewing room.... I will survive Winter as long as I keep busy! .