Saturday, December 31, 2011


My grand~girlies are always into mischief when they come to my home,,,, ok, so maybe I let them get into mischief! As you can see, Phoobee found my clothes pin bag so she & her sister, Leilei did what girlies do best,,,, they played with the "Pinchies", their word for clothes pins!

They discovered that my egg poaching pan makes for a perfect "pinchie" holder as well as the "Pinchies" make great hair clips! lol! I so love my grand~girlies!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

Well I don't know about you... but I am so looking forward to 2012.....
A New Year, a Do-Over Year and a year full of new events, challenges & memories!
So Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Does the Cat know?

Why is it,,, my two little grand girlies love to play with the cat tent? If it isn't Jada, it's Soleil playing or should I say, wearing the cat tent.....

Had I known how much they love playing with the tent, I could have saved a bundle this Christmas by buying them each one! lol!

Merry Christmas 2011

Opa Brown and Leilei...cute as a button, yep, both of them!

Gumpy Horst & Phoobee.... yep, they are cute as bugs too!

Jada, Soleil & mommy Meri..... my 3 girls....

Our hat's off to you! These are my future little cowgirls! They are cute, if I do say so myself... and I do! Merry Christmas.

Wine & Candles

What do you do with your wine bottles? As some of you know, I have been 'planting' my wine bottles in my Garden... but it's Winter and the ground is frozen so I can't dig in my soil which is frozen to the core! So what to do with an empty bottle? Why make a candle holder of course!
I purchased this '2~candle holder' from Victorian Trading CO.... I love everything in their catalog and if I ever win the lottery, I plan to buy 1 of everything in their catalogue~!
Next time you get a leisure moment check out their web site:

Wonderful Finds....

I was recently over in Cheney at the local Ben Franklin store..... I was snooping around in the 'sale bin' in the fabric/crafting department when I came across these 2 patterns.... SCORE! I can never have enough apron!

The 'Baby Baggies' is just too cute! Using a store bought T-shirt & socks,,,, all I need to do is cut, sew and attach the 'pants' to the T-shirt & socks... Guess what my grand babies will be wearing this Spring!

I bought this itty bitty mini iron for my craft work... but I have not had a chance to use it yet....

OK,,, is this uber cute or what!?! I won this at auction... I love the 1960's mid-century modern cocktail shaker. I might even put it to good use on New Years Eve... anyone want a Chocolatini!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.....


I found this fantastic red Pendelton wool jacket... I scored Big Time ! I found this lovely red Pendelton wool jacket... it is in fabulos condition, and for a mere $6.00 OMG! At first I had planned to use it to cut up,,, but the more I looked it over I decided to get it cleaned & wear it insead! I can see me now, Down in Pendelton, Oregon in May (camping trip for the 'Cattle Baron's Weekend),,, wearing my koolieo red jacket....
I love Pendelton Wool anything.... coats, shirts, robes, neck scarfs, pillows, blankets, totes.... most of which I use for my Glamping trips. I even have 2 Pendelton wool robes that I store in my trailers for Glamping trips.

I recently found a blue & green plaid Pendelton shirt that I plan to cut up and make a decorator pillow out of. One of these days I want to make a wool quilt out of Pendelton wool shirts..... talk about snuggly warm! Did I mention I Love Pendelton Wool Anything!?! :>)


I change out my 'Ladyquin' every month by changing her apron or her jeweley. It makes her feel special! :>)

I found this sweet vintage apron at the local Value Village Thrift Store,,, apparently it had been donated to and then bought from the local Goodwill and then found it's way to the Value Village Thrift! Well hopefully that will be it's last Thrift store visit now that it is in my possession!

On the plus side I did get it for 1/2 price of the orange tag which made it the same price as the Goodwill price... lol!

Then I found this sweet homemade 'Daises & Morning Glories' apron... It is a cute and simple pattern that I can probably copy.

I have washed & ironed both aprons and they are tucked away until Spring when I will pull them out to display in my kitchen.

It's true, an apron adorned with pearls always looks sweet!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my dear family and friends.....

I found the perfect T-shirt to get me through the stressful moments this Holiday season of shopping, cooking, cleaning, and getting ready for family to come over both Christmas Eve & Day..... HoHoHo!

This is my Christmas gift to myself.... tho' hubby dearest just found out! oh well, he knows me well enough to know there is no controlling me or my addiction to vintage sewing machines, vintage mixers & mid-century acrylic grape clusters.

This lil Bel-Air Bantam was probablly 'born' in the mid-late 1950's and looks pretty darn good for her age! Wish I looked as good!

I got this sweet lil Bel-Air sewing machine via Goodwill Thrift and I love it! It is the size between a Singer-99, a 3/4 size and a 221K Featherweight sewing machine and equally light as it was made from cast aluminum rather than cast iron. It just needs a cleaning and oiling and soon I will be able to sew on it... Mind you, I would ever so love to get my hands on a Singer Featherweight 221 or 222,,, but at $200-300.00 I'll just continue to have fun with this machine at 1/10th the price. HoHoHo & Bingle Jells!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I Needed a Lazy Day to Read...

Days like this are perfect for reading and we have had nearly 2 weeks worth of days like this!

My wonderful co-hort in crime, Elizabeth, sent me this sweet little book... So I gave myself permission to hang out on the Davenport, in my jammies, put on a pot of tea, pull some scones from the fridge and read... and read I did, the whole book,,, in one setting!

I normally don't spend the better part of the day reading, but this sweet book was just,,, well, I just couldn't put it down! It actually made me laugh & cry,,, and I really enjoyed how it ended.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jingle Bells!

Today was quite the fun day... got to spend it with my 2 sweet grand kiddos.. while we were bouncing off the walls..gee, I wonder if the marshmellows had anything to do with their sudden burst of! The door bell rang and we 3 ran to see who it was.... it was our mail carrier and look what he brought us.....

OMG! the girlies were just as excited as I was to discover what was inside....

though, truth be known, I think the girlies were more interested in the box & stuffing!

Jada took off with the bubble wrap....

until she spotted the colorful popcorn.... needless to say, Oma just had to share the popcorn with her girlies...

All these Wonderful goodies were in the box....

I had entered a Blog giveaway hosted by Kristina over on the Maryjanes Farm website.... and Santa must have heard I had my fingers & eyes crossed to win...and I Did! :>)

This is the little nite lite that is normally out in my trailer but not for long....

Now this will be in my Serro Scotty trailer...... Is this CuTe or What!

Thank you so very much Santa's helper, Kristina aka 'Fieldofthyme'....

Merry Christmas to All and Jingle Bell!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Here Comes Santa Clause.....

My daughter and I took her grandgirlies... to see Santa Claus and oh wowzers! neither of the girlies broke out in tears! I suspect Santa was smart to hand them their candy canes first... lol!

But as nice as it was to see Santa,,, their favorite thing was to hug the ginormous bear.

Merry Christmas and HoHoHo.....

Baby it's Cold Outside....

We have been having serious frosts/freezes going on up here..... brrrrrrr!

between the frost & winds it makes for some interesting photos....

Even my garden looks interesting......
Baby it's cold outside........

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Lunch at Chaps...

What do you get when you have a scrumptious lunch at a fabulous restaurant with 3 delightful friends and a whole bunch of 'catchin' up to do?'...why you get a wonderful lunch at Chaps over Cheney, WA. and a whole lot of Girl gabfest going on!
Celeste Shaw is the proprietor of this lovely establishment, 'Chaps'.... a 'must' on you list of places to enjoy when in Spokane.

Old friends who meet up about once every 3-4 months are so very special.... they wait patiently, then they pick up right where they left off, never skipping a beat or a hug.

We eat, we laugh, we muse, we share our hearts & support for each other.

(left to right) Heather, Rene, Juli & Cindy are some of my wonderful Glamping gal-pals. None of us live in the same community, so we don't get to see each other very often... but that's ok, because we have a wonderful time when we do get together..... whether it's a camping trip, junktiquing or just having lunch at one of our favorite restaurants.... we make the most of our time together.

Today was a much over-due visit with Rene, Dixie & Heather.... each of these beautiful ladies has vision & talent. Dixie as a Vintage Artisan Dealer, Rene as a Writer and Heather as a Gourmet Food Artisan... as for me... I am happy to be around such talented ladies. They encourage & inspire me.

I came across a verse, that I feel is soooo true,,,, "Desire to Inspire before you Expire!"

I hope to inspire someone someday as these lovely ladies have inspired me.

Monday, December 5, 2011

What I did while my Grandbabies slept.

I spent this past weekend at my daughter's, baby sitting my grandbaby. So while they slept I got a little sewing in....
I love this sweet little apron pattern and this one will be given as a Christmas gift.

I came across this easy~peasy fleece hat pattern and made one for each of my Grandbabies...

You can embiggen this photo to view the instructions better.

HoHoHo and stay warm!

Friday, December 2, 2011

1,2,3 Aprons...

I came across a sweet little apron that I decided to use to make a pattern from so I can make these cute little aprons....

The blue one above and this one are going to special friends and the one below is for myself.

I love the cute cowgirl boots on this one. It only took 1yard of fabric and 1package of RicRack trim to make the blue apron. And of course I always have to add a couple of yoyos....