Thursday, January 26, 2012

Play Dates are the Best!

Guess where we went today??? Give-up??? Chuck E. Cheese!!!!

Sometimes you have to 'cut from the herd', leave the beds unmade & the dirty dishes in the sink... and just go play! And so we did!

Meri and I took the girls to go eat & play at Chuck E. Cheese.... a much needed get away after all this snow! Don't tell anyone,, but this was my 1st time in a Chuck E. Cheese,,,and it wasn't at all bad, as I had thought it would be... Actually I had a rather fun time with my daughter and grand babies........................... So I guess that means we are never to old to act like a kid and have fun at Chuck E. Cheese!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Get'er Done !

I found this wonderful old woolen blanket at one of my favorite Thrifts, and even though it had a small 1" 'L' shape tear in it,,, I still bought it, brought it home, tossed it in the washer/dryer and then did a little sewing magic on it. I cut 2 patches (one for each side of the blanket) from some scrap fabric ( this is why we never throw away our scraps!) and used a little "WonderUnder/StitchWitchery" iron on adhesive, attached them together, ironed and then zig-zag stitched around the patch. Voila' cute repair!

The Faribault Woolen Mills was started in 1865 and closed it's doors in 2009... then 2 local Minnesota gentlemen decided to take a chance, bought & re-opened the Mill in 2011. This Summer the production line is expected to start releasing it's woolen products. You can check them out on

Now onto another UFO... I bought this lamp shade with a very worn out fabric cover,,, about a year ago. I got inspiration from a re-purposing project from one of my Maryjane Farms magazine. It was sooo cute, and a great way to use up bits & scrap pieces of lace and ribbons.... now I just have to sit down and decide which lace to use where and then glue it on. I'll be sure to post a picture when it is finished.

Oh and yep, the lampshade frame was a Thrift find, just $1.49...not a bad investment considering what replacement store bought shades cost!

Sometimes I get over-whelmed and frustrated with all the bit's and pieces of lace, trim and fabric that I save, but then when I put it to use,,, I am so glad I didn't toss it out! I use old vintage suitcases to stash my linens, lace, needlework kits and yarns in,,, they stack nicely and are easily identifiable with the cute 'shipping tags' attached, listing what's inside.

Ok, off to finish some more UFO ( UnFinishedObjects)... oh & if you are wondering about the 'License Plates"... well that's a whole 'nother story & you will have to go visit my Trailer blog!

Monday, January 23, 2012

So True!

My katz can be in a Coma.... and I can just think about going into the kitchen to open a can
of Tuna... when suddenly I have 2 furbabies wrapped around my legs meowing... How do
they know!!!??? lol!

Back in the Saddle Again!

Gary built this saddle stand for me some time back..... it sat, ever so lonely out in the garage, just waiting, hoping, that someday it would be put to good use... well that someday is here...

and as soon as I can get Peek-a-boo kitty to get off my saddle it will be going out to the garage and placed on the saddle stand... but for now, Peekie is "Back in the Saddle again!"... lol!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Newbury Park High School

Newbury Park High School, Class of 1972.....

40th Reunion... August 11th, 2012, Reunion to be held in Newbury Park...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Is It Snowing yet?

The building out in the distance, that you can barely see... yep! that's the National Weather Station... I am not sure which is easier to get the weather,,,going on the Internet or looking out toward the Weather Station to see if it is wet or covered with snow !lol!...

It is kind of fun, watching the little birds,,,watching me in my sewing room!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Horse Power...

Oh my word! have you seen the price of gas lately?
I have really been contemplating what type of 'horse power' I want...
So, let me introduce you to "Duster' my new horse!
Yep, she is a mature lady, a registered Quarter horse who is currently living with a friend of mine over in Portland, Oregon.
Duster will stay there until late Spring plus she will be getting a refresher course in Horsey 101.
Duster is currently in her Winter coat, what you are looking at is her in her Summer coat.
I have a feeling she and I are going to become the best of friends and.... she is going to provide me with lots of "Garden Gold" to nourish my garden plants! lol!
Now for the fun part... Gary will be working on fencing & a stall for her while I go shopping for all of her necessary horsey Bling! I can hardly wait! I am beyond excited to get her and start riding..again,,, maybe I need a refresher course! lol!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


It never fails,,, just as I start to get caught up on my stack of UFO's (Un-finished objects) I manage to add more to the stack! "Three steps forward & two steps back"... Oh Well!
This is a 'Pillowcase Pantaloon' that I made from, yep, a pillowcase.

This is a easy~peasy little girls top,,,also from a pillowcase.

This apron was made from 2 pillowcases.....

I plan to use these to hang from my portable clothesline that hooks off of my vintage trailer.

I might even hunt down a pair of 'Granny Panties' to hang along with these just to get a giggle out of passers by... lol!

Oh poor little Peekaboo... she's exhausted, and decided to take a nap on 'KatDad's computer.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Box + Babies = Smiles!

These two cuties are my adorable grand babies....
People go out and spend big bucks on fancy froufrou battery operated gifts.... and why???
Look, no froufrou, no batteries... and my two little wee ones are having a box full of fun!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What I did Today...

I bought this rocker from an Upscale 2nd hand store,,, with the intent of re-upholstering it...

Well 6 months later, I finally did! It had a 1961 brown patterned fabric.... I know it was 1961 because it had a tag on it, on the underside, complete with the name of the client it was custom made for.

I had several yards of this fabric left from an other project and decided it would be perfect for the rocker.... The Doilie (on the back of the rocker) was a gift from a wonderful friend and I just had to applique it on the chair..... I am happy with the rocker and will be putting it to good use tomorrow morning with my morning reading and tea.

Pettycoats & Plaid!

There was a time when I loved wearing a cotton plaid dress and a petticoat....Oh the twirls I could twirl! Maryjane shoes, white cuff socks, circle skirt, petticoat & white collar..... oh to be 6 years old again! Well, I might not be wearing Maryjanes or plaid these days, but when I am out Glamping with my gal~pals,,, the petticoats come out & we get to be silly 6 year old girls, if only for a little while!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Aprons 1930-1960

As you know,,, I love finding vintage aprons, both factory made & homemade....
I rely on a wonderful book to help guide me to 'dating vintage fabric'.... and tho' I had these 2 aprons narrowed down to between the 1930's to the 1960's... I think this one is

from the 1930's-40's as these particular colors were very popular then. Mint Green & Bubblegum pink... This is the 2nd apron that I have that incorporate black, mint & pink on a white or beige background.

This apron is a bit more difficult for me to narrow down,,, in greys & blues.... and I also have a 2nd apron similar in this color palette. But for now I have it narrowed to between 1930-60's.

Both aprons are homemade and sweet as can be. As always, I hand wash my aprons, hang dry and then I iron them using my homemade lavender water spray. These two are on display in my sewing room for now. I love rotating my aprons in my kitchen and in my sewing room. It's amazing how women managed to make sweet little aprons from cast off, re purposed fabric, even feed/grain sacks. Cotton fabric back then was 36" wide so placing one's pattern on fabric with minimal waste was very important.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Don't Pick Up Hitch Hickers....

Hey Lady, could ya spare some change for a homeless Turkey? I've been outta work since November!

Hmmm, window is down,,, wonder if she would like to give me a ride....

Always wanted to be a 'Hood Ornament"....

OK, so much for being a Hood Ornament....Boring!

You lookin' at me?

OK, I'm done.... outta here, gotta go back to my Ladies!

Hey Girls, did ya miss me?

Ok, so I was driving down the road into town when Mr Turkey comes running down the road toward me... The next thing I know... he is on the hood of my Jeep... looking at me.... not sure what he was thinking.... but after a bit of eye balling each other he got board and went on back to his Harem of Hens.....

You just never know what will come across your path out in the country.

No Harm....No Foul! lolololol!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year...Same Old Addictions...

So I have 22 vintage mixers starting from 1928 up to 1970.... is that an addiction?

I have 23 vintage sewing Grandma's "White" foot treadle being the oldest from 1902... Is that an addiction?

And I have 27 acrylic/Lucite grape a cluster in the shape of a Pineapple... a cluster that is a hanging (& very heavy) lamp and 2 candle stick clusters... so I guess that makes 31 total... do I have an addiction?

Wowzers! when I get addicted to something, I really get addicted! Hopefully there is no cure for my addictions! lol!

Happy Dazes

I love vintage books and magazines.... and recently found these 2 Zane Gray 1948 books and the cute little 1958 cook book. I especially love little vintage cook books (as well as magazines) for their graphics and "helpful homemaker hints"...

I find that popular images for that era are/were Tea Carts, Paper Lanterns, Parisian Cats and hour-glass figured ladies in aprons!

This particular little cook book had chapters titled: "Especially for the Girls", the ladies white gloved lunch section,,, "When it's Strictly Stag" for the guys when they get together to talk sports & lawn fertilizers...,and "Teen-Age Triumphs",,, for when the teens get together and drink soda with a straw from a bottle while talking about the latest 45's......
In fact I use my little vintage cart to store my cook books, even my vintage ones... to bad I don't like to cook! lol!