Thursday, January 31, 2013

Purple Plus Purple

What could go better with a pair of purple cowgirl boots?...
 Why a purple petticoat,,, of course!
or a vintage pair of Tony Lamas, a pair of Lucchese or cute Ariats..... oh wait, I have petticoats to go with these....  Oh and don't forget.... a strand of Pearls goes with everything!  

Ham for the Cam...

You can not accuse my grand kiddos of not being 'hammy'... lol!
We had to make a Costco run today and well.... I could not resist.... after all, I am a grammy with a cammy (camera)... and I am not afraid to use it! lol!
 Pull out a camera and Jada turns on the sillies!
 as does Soleil..... little brother on the other hand could care less....
Uh oh,,, all he needs now... is a ... T.V. Remote control!
Gotta love those grand kiddos.....

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A New Rag Rug...

I needed a bit of a break from my stitchery so I decided to crochet up a new rag rug for my kitchen...
 This rug is crocheted from what was in it's former life, a cotton, rose print, 'Full" sheet and the burgundy was strips left over from another rag rug that I had crocheted... just enough to add a bit of color.
  I know my kitties sure like it.... and have been playing on it... guess that means I have their "2 Paws of approval!".

Little Corner Respite...

Sometimes one just needs a little 'corner'...a little respite.... to write a note to a dearest friends.... not a quick email note via computer,,, but a true letter,,, by hand, by pen and by heart....
 I have this little vintage writing desk that is just perfect for writing....
 When not in use. it holds sweet things that brings me joy...
 It's a perfect spot to write Thank you notes, Birthday cards and from time to time a sweet little note to a long time friend.
I keep pretty stationary just for this reason... every lady should have a secrete stash of pretty writing paper.... and even an old fashioned fountain pen with different sized nibs and different colored inks.
I also keep a sweet book on how to write letters for special occasions....
Writing a note as well as being the recipient of a sweet note doth the heart good...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Victoria Magazine...

I have for the longest time had a 'love affair' with Victoria magazine (since the early 1980's)... and can you blame me?
If you are not familiar,,, check them out.... or pick up an issue...

Victoria magazine is the kind of magazine that encourages you to curl up on the sofa with, or at the table, a nice cup of tea and a scone.... a quiet moment, much needed.....
 The Jan/Feb issue.... oh, I so need a nice cup of tea and scone...or an Oreo cookie will do if I don't feel like whipping up a batch of scones! lol!
Back in November on the Victoria magazine web site, they asked their readers, "Where in the World"... a question about if  you could live anywhere, where would you... and Oh My Stars, they liked and printed my reply....  Brag moment... my comment is on page 10....
I love the fact 'Victoria' has been committed to the elegant yet calming way of life. Slowing down, enjoying the beauty of a cup of tea, a decadent confection, a relaxing garden... and featured talented women from all walks of life.
It truly is a lovely magazine....

Pear Brandy

Those of you who know me, know that I absolutely love a good Pear Brandy....
I discovered the fabulousness of a truly good pear brandy on a past trip in Switzerland....
Oh My Word! it was so delightful! 
I found a particular brand that I especially liked while in Zurich. I brought some back to the USA and found that it was not easily obtainable here in the USA... Then when I moved up to Washington, I discovered it could not be imported into Washington State! Oh NO!  
So my quest was to find a comparable Pear Brandy... When one day recently, quiet by chance, I was in Costco.... and spotted Pear Brandy by the Clear Creek Distillery...  $36 a bottle.... but I was willing to give it a try in hopes it would bring me back to my wonderful memories of my trip in Switzerland.  Oh MY! It did!
I am so delighted to have found a wonderful Pear Brandy that sooo reminds me of the excellent Pear Brandies produced in Switzerland...
 I am able to find a Apple Pear Brandy.... but,,, there is just something special about a crisp pear flavored brandy.
So, while I was reading my Jan/Feb issue of Victoria magazine.... to my delight I saw that there was an article about Clear Creek Distillery and their prized Pear Brandy .... "Bottled to Perfection" page 59-64.... and how they closely follow the European way of producing quality pear brandy.
One only needs to pop the cork, give it a moment to breath, then pour a small glass,,,, let the crisp clean pear scent reach your nose... then sip and savor. 

 Oh My! if it were not so early in the day, I would pour myself a sip, as I re-read the article.
 There are many good companies that produce wonderful brandies and schnapps...but...
I just happen to really like this company's brandy and am glad to see that it was featured in my favorite magazine as well as I can easily find it.
If pear is not your favorite, they also produce other flavors.....

So, tonight I may have to curl up on the sofa, with my dear hubby, my kitties, my snugly Pendleton blanket, my Victoria magazine, a piece or two of chocolate and a snifter of pear brandy... Ah, and conjure up wonderful memories of my trips in Switzerland and especially Germany.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Fascination with Vintage Stitchery

I have a fascination with vintage stitchery. You know the kind, like our mothers and grandmothers use to stitch up....
A dear friend, Amanda got me interested in these stitchery transfers about 4 years ago... and when ever I come across a vintage pattern I buy it.

 I think this collection is from the 1940's... based on the hairstyle and dress on the package.
 Notice the apron on this package... can you imagine having 7 white crisp aprons each with a day of the week stitched on it...
 This is the pattern that I used to stitch up my little Scotty dog...
 I decided to trace my pattern instead of ironing it on......
 As I was perusing through my vintage patterns I noticed that 3 of them are identical,,, but the packages had been re-done.... probably to generate new interest in the same old pattern.
I have some "Aunt Martha's" from the 1960's as well. they cost a whole whooping .53cents at J.C. Penny & CO. (according to the price tag)
Well back to stitching.....

Friday, January 25, 2013

Just a Little Stitchin'

I have been working on several projects and decided to take a little break and stitch up this little cutie..
I haven't decided what I will do with this... but... for now, it was a nice little diversion.
It's from a vintage stitchery pattern.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

One of those Days!

I am having one of those days! 
I am so tired of the gloomy, cold weather... I could really use a dose of good old fashioned California sunshine!

Just 3 more months until my first Glamping trip of the season!  lol!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Honest Dolly

OK, I know I am not much of a cook,,, but geesch louise! is my cooking that bad?
Dolly is totally honest....

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kat Naps...

Where does your kitty sleep?
our little Dolly~girl finds the most strangest  places to sleep....  I wish I could sleep that easy!
Sooo,  where does your kitty sleep?    >^..^<

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Well here is the update of 'Snow & Snivels' I have laryngitis... oh joy!
I have been puttering at my sewing table.. but this cold just keeps me to tired to do much.
I guess it's ok to be a slug now and then, especially with this frigid weather.

Oh and as for our "Rats with antlers".... one of them left us his calling card!
Gary found this by the side of the house, in front of the Pergola. An antler from one of our visitors who frequent the hay trough.  So does that mean we have a deer who keeps walking to the left? lol! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Snow & Sniffles!

What do you do when you have a case of the dreary Winter sniffles...???...
Why, get to stitching....
 2 new wool felt mini stockings... embellished with some seed beads and trim... I enjoy 'Penny Rug' projects...
yoyos galore! 

I am down with a case of the know the kind, slight sore throat, runny nose itchy eyes,... just miserable enough to not feel like doing much.... yet cranky enough, because you know you have things to do!
So I resigned myself to the fact... everything can wait till tomorrow (or the next day).... so I turned on the 'idiot tube' (TV) and watched some wonderful old re-runs like The Rifelman, Bonanza, Big Valley, Bewitched etc... and all the while,,, I just kept stitching away....
I always have prepared projects that I can do... I call them my "Grab-n-go-n-sew" kits.... so that's just what I did,,, except, I didn't go anywhere.
Hmmm, maybe having the sniffles isn't such a bad thing... I got a few projects finished. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Bomb Went Off...

Oh My Word! I think a Bomb went off in my room.... or at least it looks like it... I decided it was time to sort through and count my Apron stash....
197 in total!  How did that happen?

I sorted them out in categories,,,,
vtg Chiffon:13
vtg crochet:3
vtg towel:5
Store bought:17
Aprons I created/sewed:31
total:197 aprons

I am not sure,,, but there was a kitty snuggled in the pile of aprons... hope I didn't accidentally fold and pack her away. lol!