Monday, February 25, 2013

I just couldn't resist!    lol!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Local Thrift Score!

Hubby and I noticed a new Thrift store in the little town by us... so needless to say we had to check it out... Oh and we had 8 bags of donatables that we dropped off too!
 First off I found this ever so sweet little "YoYo Doll"... I remember "Zippy the Clown' that was, like this one,  but with a  clown face..... This one needs to be re-strung... an easy peasy fix.
 Thin I found this little mid-century 'leaf' candy dish... it's actually kind of a muted pink in color.
 Then I found this super neat lamp shade...which seems to be Dolly~girls new hiding place...
 this is a closer look at the shade... I think I'll trim it from the frame and re-purpose the shade...
 Gary spotted this set of mid-century modern Noritake china....which was produced between mid 1950's to mid 1960's.  We So love these. The little pointed oval dishes could be for dipping sauce or as butter pat holders... but according to ebay... they are ash trays...
 Don't you just love the design? We do!
 Then we found these little aluminum 'coasters' , how cool! they will go in our vintage trailer, the  'Tin Cup'.
Gary, bless his!... found this DVD and said "You need this!...  And yes, when we got home, he plugged it in and we watched it...
So,,, what did you do this weekend?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I Need...

I need a dose of Sunshine and Bling in the worst way...
 Hahaha! ... can ya tell?
Bling, Bling Bling....

Saturday, February 9, 2013


I couldn't resist sharing with you a picture of my little Dolly~girl's favorite napping spots....
 makes me want to snuggle with her...
 And then there is Peekaboo,, our little prissy princess with paws!  lol!  she just has to be the center of attention!
 I found this sweet apron,,, ya ya, like I needed another one... but... well here it is!
I love the wispy dancing girls on the fabric.... based of the print and colors,,, it is from the '50's possibly very early 1960's....  This apron will go in "Tin Cup" our vintage 1965 Silver Streak trailer.
Each of my trailers have 2 vintage now I need to find another apron for Tin Cup.

Does a Moose Drool?

Does a Moose drool? well does he? lol!
Remember the age old question... If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Well, I guess the same could be asked of a Moose... If no one is around, does a Moose still drool? well does he? lol!
Hahaha! I am just having a silly moment!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Girlie Day...

I love girlie days....
Some days, especially after the long, cold, dark Winters up here....we just need a "Girlie Day'...
A day were we just get together, eat, catch up on each others lives, giggle, dream and scheme and giggle some more... it truly restores the soul.... and heart.

Like my friend Juli always says... everyone needs a Dose of vitamin-F 
F for fun and friendship....

(lft to rt)  Celeste, me, Brenda and Heather..... Breakfast at CHAPS in Cheney/Spokane, WA.
oh and did I mention? yes, we managed to get a little junktiquing in as well!  :>)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lookie lookie....

Wahoooo! Look what arrived in the mail...
 My wonderful friend, Bev, over at Bee Haven Acres makes the most wonderful aprons, quilts and now Lip Balm.
I spotted her Kindle/iPad quilted case in a Kitty motif...and knew I had to have it!
As for her lip balm,,, OMG! it is so delightful.... I love the peppermint flavor...
Bev pours her lip balm in eco friendly cardboard tubes instead of plastic ones... and the size is very generous.
Check out her Blog and while there visit her 'Market Place'.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Easy Peasy Craft

About 7-8 years ago is saw an idea for this sweet little doilie thingy...
I don't recall where I got the idea,,, perhaps from Victoria or Tea Time magazine,,, but it truly is simple. Makes a lovely Hostess or Thank you gift.
You can use a Battenburg doily  or even a crochet one... if you use a crochet one, trace a piece of white fabric, about 1/2" smaller, Place over (inside) the doily and then pinch the top together and tack together.  Then add a bit of fiber fill inside,, and then glue some silk flowers into the openings.
You can add a bow or re-purposed jewelery to the top.... bling it up a lot or a little.
 front side
back side