Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Vtg, Apron

Wowzers! check out this sweet apron...  I have one in my collection,,, but it is one I made from a retro pattern....
 I need to do a little research,,, but I suspect that possibly some of these fabric squares are from flour/grain/mesh/sugar cloth sacks....
It has been well worn,,, and that is what I really love about it.

Car Jacking...

Could this possibly be a 'car jacking' by a couple of Jack Rabbits?
Sorry, I couldn't resist being a bit silly today! 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Women Supporting Women ...

For those of you who know me,,, know that I believe in the motto, "Women supporting Women"...
There are so many talented women (and men) out there,,, who are trying to make a go of their home business....  and I feel blessed to know some of them...
So when I come across a lady's art/craft skills that I think are wonderful... I just feel the need to share it with all my friends...

I believe the term used is  "Cottage Industry".... or "Home Based"... what ever the name...
I wish I had some of these lovely ladies creative skills and talents... be it Art, Crafting, Sewing, Writing or Music....

My latest find... well actually not latest,,, I discovered this lovely lady's artwork some time back and have purchased her cards in the past as well as recently.... they are truly a work of art.....

Do check out her ('Kimberly Shaw) site at:  http://www.kimberlyshawgraphics.com
Her cards are lovely, and each comes with a tea bag.... a sweet little tuck for the recipient of the card.

As for Kimberly, she is so very gracious... she takes pride in how she packages up your order and to my delight, enclosed was a little tea bag for me,, so I could sip tea will addressing the cards to be sent out.
Oh, and it's not to late to order Holiday cards....
Thank you Kimberly,,, you have brightened my day with your sweet note tucked in with my order.
Merry Christmas in the truest sense of the word...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Almost all gone...

Well waking up to snow a few days ago was a surprise... a Big surprise...
 kind of a post card picture...
But all to fleeting... here today. gone (in a few days) tomorrow....  

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Then and Now..

THEN.....Nov. 23rd, 2013....
 NOW....Dec. 7th, 2013....
need I say more?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Walkie Talkie or Early Cell Phone?

So while putting away some stuff in my sewing room I came across this pattern... I had to stop and take a second look...
So what do you think? Walkie Talkie or Cell phone?   I do remember the early portable cell phones, and they looked like this.... just thought it cute... after all, how often did you wear a robe & PJ's while talking on a walkie talkie... on the flip side, yep, cell phones can be worn while in ones PJ's...  lol!

It Was NTOOD...

SO, for NTOOD,,, 'National Tie One On Day' hosted by EllynAnn Geisel (author of, The Apron Book);... I chose to 'Tie one on'... an apron silly goose, I didn't plan on getting verschnickered/snookered or a tad tipsy... instead I tied one on with an Apron.. yep, I pulled out one of my Christmas aprons...  let the Holidays begin!

I decided that this year I would deliver a casserole, a bottle of Vino and a plant...
I wrapped the wine bottle in a cute kitchen towel with a wine motif... how apropos  is that!?...

I have to thank my dear friend, EllynAnn, who reminds us to brighten up some one's Holiday season  with a little  home made or bought goodies, wrapped up in a piece of linen or towel or even an apron...  As they say, 'tis better to give, then receive'... and it is soooo true...
I hate receiving those 'wine tote sacks'... I feel guilty if I toss them,,, and I suspect they may have been re-gifted,,, as naturally I would do.... lol!
So wrapping the wine bottle in a dish towel was perfect,,, and finding a towel with a wine motif was perfect.

So what did you do for NTOOD?