Tuesday, January 14, 2014


We have had our tortoise for almost 30 years... I call him "scooter-putter"....
I have often said... he is the perfect pet...
Doesn't bark,
don't have to take him for a walk,
doesn't chase cars,
doesn't chew up my shoes,
doesn't need a litter box,
sleeps all Winter
and he loves to eat dandelions... lol!
 and he is the only other 'male' in our house besides my hubby.... lol!
 "Attack of the Ginormous Tortoise" would be the perfect title....
but in reality, he is only 12"long.... and now appears to be camera shy!

He was in hibernation,,, but todays temps got up into the 70's and he decided to go check out the lawn....in search of some dandelions I suppose.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Time to Say Good-by to Christmas...

Well today is the 1st day of 2014... time to say Good-by to 3013 and all my Christmas deco...
While Gary watches the football games, I'll putter in the house packing up my memories of Christmas. But just to make it fun, I'll play my Christmas CD ... falalala....
 Yes, I am 'that' lady,, the 'Snow Babies' collector! 
Did you know,,, the 'Snow Babies from Department 56' is actually based on the original 'Schnee Kinder' manufactured in Germany in the early part of the 1900's .... I would love to get my hands on some original ones!!!
 Even thou the house is still un organized (unpacked) I managed to find and get some decorations up...
 some of my Snowman collection....
 I have several of these 'Light Trees' the kind with the little lite pegs... I love them... My MIL gave me the little 'Village' which I display each year... and it too lights up.
 This Light Tree has a music box in it's base. The Santa mug on the left is vintage and the one on the right is a reproduction...
 Ahh, good 'ol Santa Tex.....
 Gary's stocking,,, and yes, he loves the "A Christmas Story'.... movie
 My stocking made just for me by my dear friend, Sherry...
 Peekie guarding the presents... I am happy to say, not a single present was removed on her watch! lol!,,, I mean, falalalala!
Well bummer... it's all over except the photos and memories... but the good news is,,, only 364 more days till Christmas!  falalalalala...