Monday, March 31, 2014

Is it Wednesday Yet?

Is it Wednesday yet? because I am caravanning with a group of my 'Sisters on the Fly' gal~pals over to Parkfied, Calif. for 5 days of rootin' tootin' glampin ' fun!
Wagons HO!  I'll tell you all about our Glamping fun next Monday!
Until then,,, Wagons HO! and off Glamping I GO! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Words of Wisdom....

"Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty... they merely move it from their faces to their hearts."
I Love this! I have it posted in my little trailer to remind me that Beauty and Friendship are what is in the inside, not the outside....

It's Nap Time!

I am always amazed at the positions my sweet Dolly~girl will sleep in...
and for a little 6lb furball,  she snores like you can't believe!   I can't imagine how stiff I would be if I slept in this position!  lol! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Springing into Gsrdening etc...

Yep!  it's that time of year... Spring cleaning around the house...
Weeding, planting, mowing etc... and loving every minute...
 Gary misses his big Kubota tractor... but is having fun on his little Hasquvarna tractor.
 We got rid of a lot of ugly shrubs and rotting out trees... starting to clean up really nice..
 Gary testing out his new Metal Detector....
 Got all the fire wood stacked... we should be good for a couple of years!
We planted a few fruit and nut trees... and I picked up some  veggie and herb plants at the Nursery.. now to watch it all grow!