Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sew Dayz.....

When it's cold, damp, cloudy and rainy out... I have the perfect excuse to skip house cleaning and go play in my sewing room!
and that is just what I did!
I cut out a bunch of 'hexagons' for a sewing project... and I made this firewood carrier from left over fabrics...
 I am planning on appliqueing these hexagons together onto a mini table quilt... The design is called 'Grandma's Garden.... What a great way to use up bits of scrap fabric.....
I had some tweed fabric, some patio furniture upholstery fabric and some broadcloth, all left over from previous projects. I layered them, traced the pattern, cut & sewed.... I double seamed everything for added strength...
Now when hubby dearest brings an armful of firewood, no more wood bits and leaves on his clothes or dragged in on the floor. What a great and easy project to complete in an afternoon.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hello Feburary...

I have been busy doing a lot of 'this -n- that'... that I can't believe we are 1/2 through Feb... and I still have a lot of 'this -n- that's ' to do! lol!

I finished  decorating my case for my 1952 Singer Feather Weight sewing machine, that I call "Lucy".

I stitched up a clothes pin apron....

I finished up a sweet 'table runner' quilt that was started by my dear neighbor, who passed away,,, so in her honor, I finished it up.

And Sunday I was out in my 'Garden of Weedin ' pulling weeds and cleaning up... Well needless to say, Sunday night and all day Monday, parts of my body  that normally don't ache,,, ached like the Dickens! Even my finger tips were sore!  Who say's Gardening won't kill ya!, Maybe not, but it will make ya ache like a 'sonofagun'! lol!

Oh and as for my Barn kitties they had fun...
 For some reason, 'KeeKee' like to get on top of my trailer....
 while 'mamamoo' likes to sleep on my (covered) saddle.
 Keekee also likes to hop onto the garage door when it is opened.
 As for our sweet old Dolly~girl (not an out door kitty) she decided she needed to take a nap in her litter box...

and then there is 'Blackie' our newest found/abandoned kitty.. he is super sweet and super lazy!

Oh and before I forget, here is another apron I stitched up for a Valentines Day gift swap...
hmmm, if I had added 'legs' to the pocket, it would have looked like a fat hen don'tcha think?

Now to find some more mischief to get into... Have a Happy February....