Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Time to Ponder...

I having been watching the news closely with all the fires that are going on in Central Washington,,, worrying that I will get a call from my daughter that they have to evacuate their home,,, not an easy task when you have live stock, 3 kids, 3 dogs and a 1/2 dozen cats... but they are emergency prepared,,, the 5th wheel is ready as is the live stock trailer..  that being said I still worry about them and my precious grand kiddos.
Our son-in-law is a fire fighter volunteer in training... so I am doubley nervous..

My heart goes out to all the families whose homes and lives have been devastated by these fires, as well as the responders who are fighting the fires  and all the other people who are doing what they can to help.
Blessings to them all.

Friday, August 14, 2015


We came across this fabulous Sunflower field while driving through the backside of Readon (WA.)...
Here is my beautiful daughter and her 3 kiddos.... we were at my favorite camping place, down on the Spokane River...
 I luv my kiddos.....

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Windows 10, No More!

OK, I had finally had enough frustration with Windows 10,,, and un-installed it... now I am back to Windows 8.1 and my comfort zone!
Now I can post my photos... Whoot Whoot!
even my grand-girlies are happy for me!

Here I am...

Here I am... I have been having fun...
I went back to Spokane, WA., to visit with my daughter and grand-kiddos, go shopping, playing and having fun with the kiddos.

I also got to get in another Glamping trip with my Glamping Gal-pals, over in Elk River, ID... another fun week at Girl Camp...

I took lots of photos... and I would love to share them with you,,, however... ever since I updated my system from Windows 8 to Windows 10... I can not get my computer to accept down loads from my camera and worse yet... I can not upload any photos in my picture file to my blog.....

To say I am an unhappy camper is an understatement!
I have been struggling with Windows 10,,, my hubby likes it,,, but so far all I have had is headaches and frustration with Windows 10...

So rather than bore you to tears about my woos with Windows 10... I think I will open a bottle of Wine and a box of chocolate,,, after all, chocolate cures everything! lol!