Sunday, December 17, 2017

Grandkiddos are the Best!

Last week was our 2 grand daughters 2nd Grade msical..
 here are my two girlies,, Jada and Soleil soloing..
 after the musical... these two cutes were all aglow!
 and little brother was happy to see his sisters performing.
and I was glad to be there to watch my girlies..
Being a Oma (grandmother) is awesome!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

We Are In!!!

WaHooooo! we are now nestled into our new home...
And now for the fun to begin... painting, new flooring, new carpeting, new granite counters, new faucets, sinks,, towel bars, knobs and handles...etc...
Yepadoodle,, we will be busy for several weeks..
And while it is beautiful outside, all blanketed with snow,,, we will be rolling up our sleeves and working on the house on the inside.
Once everything is in place I will post photos but for now,,, here is what I have...
 front view of the house...
 our barn....where we have our trailers stored for the winter.
 our back pasture... did I mention,,, we have 13.75ac ??
 old outdated kitchen,,, soon  to be having a facelift...
 Master bathroom... this will get a 're-do' in about 2 years...
my sewing room... doing the Happy Dance!
oops! sideways... but,, I found these fabulous cloth storage boxes.. they fit so well that I went and bought a bunch more so now I have 9 more to fit onto the 3 shelves...

Well... I would like to chat more,, but I have stuff to do and things to re-vamp!