Monday, February 25, 2019

Tumbling Blocks

 Time to sew,,,  I pulled out 4 fat quarters...designed a pattern,,,, and started stitching...
 I stitched up 4 rows of 9 tumblers..
 all done,,, well, almost... now I need to do is back and bind it and then put it to good use., did you notice the 2 wee objects on the green tumblers?  
Yep, my mini Gnomes had to check out my stitching... hahaa!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Kitty Jungle Gym...

Here is Kiki's new Jungle Gym... and she is loving it!
 6 feet of pure fun and mischief...
and  just 'purrrrfect' for bird watching!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Keeping Busy,,,, as the Snow Falls...

Just puttering and keeping busy,,, still getting daily snow.. oh joy!
 yeepers! lots of snow!
I stitched up this little Flamingo table runner several weeks ago..
 and today I stitched up a table topper....
this is the back side of it...
 our daily quail visit is always entertaining...
 just ask Kiki, she enjoys watching them too!
 I made this photo frame from a discarded lic.plate..
so now I need to find a 1967 vtg trailer to add to my collection or...
Well, guess I should go find some more mischief to get into...

Sunday, February 10, 2019

8 Straight Days of Snow..

Oh joy,,, we pretty much were having a mild Winter,,, when Mother Nature reared her ugly head this past week.....
We went from an occasional mild snow.. but.. we are making up for it now!
 hubby spotted this idea on the internet,,, which works great for a light fluffy snow...
he had the sidewalk and driveway apron cleared in 5min with out breaking a sweat...
but had to get on the Quad to move the snow down the driveway to the road.
Guess it's time to go play in my craft room.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Changes to 'Blogger' and Google...

I have been getting emails regarding Google and BlogSpot (blogger).. that they no longer will work together..
so hopefully this will not effect my blog,,, I am old school.. and have not kept up with all this new technology,,, maybe I should ask my grandkids for help! hahaha!