Sunday, March 31, 2019

Grand kiddos are funny...

My grand kiddos are tooo funny!
It was 'Funny Hair Day' at school... and my kiddos really got into it...
My daughter used an empty water bottle to hold LeiLei's hair up,,, and Jaja had cupcake paper cups on  top and on the back side...(sorry, I forgot to take a picture of the back side)..
Gotta love silly grand kiddos...
and now to try and take a nap,,, if I can get these two to vacate... hahaha!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Happy St Patricks Day...

Happy St Patrick's Day...
 I made these heart shaped yoyos the other day with the intent of creating a yoyo shamrock...
 but alas, it sat on my sewing table,,, unfinished,, and today is St Patrick's Day...
Oh well, on the plus side,,, it will be done by next years St Patrick's day...hahaha!
So in the mean time, I will wear this little needle point hat I made a gazillion years ago...
                                                Happy St Patrick's Day...

Monday, March 11, 2019

YoYo BunBun...

Hippity Hoppity, the Easter Bunny is on his/her way....
 such a simple yoyo project,,,,
 and perfect for kids of all ages...
Hmmm, maybe I need to make a basket full of these....
Hippity Hoppity..... Easter's on it's way...