Thursday, October 17, 2019

15-Bean Soup and a Insta-Pot...

Earlier  this year I received a 'Insta-Pot' for my birthday, a gift from my sister and mom...
Both my sister and my daughter  absolutely love cooking with theirs,, I have been a wee bit timid to use mine..
But I decided to give it another chance,,, so I made a 15-Bean soup with it in the pressurized mode.
I soaked the beans over night,,, and then this afternoon I put all the ingredients in the pot and crossed my fingers!
Well!!! it turned out Yummilicious and so easy to make.
That being said I modified the recipe and omitted some things and add others,,,
I used a combination of beef broth, water and white wine... and I added a (frozen) ham bone, diced up tomatoes and chopped up white mushrooms...
I omitted the celery and garlic and only used 1/2 the Cajun seasoning recommended. 
sorry this isn't a good photo.. but trust me, the soup was over the top good... and we have left overs for another night's meal.
I will for sure be making this again!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Look what my sweet hubby brought home...
Oh My Stars! a fabulous Mid Century Modern RCA Stereo,, and it works!
We have a love for MCM design... but we also like Mission-Arts and Crafts and of course English Country.. So we have different  themed rooms in our home,, and our TV room is our MCM room.
It looks great next to the MCM Bar...
The curtains are vintage, pink and gold, and so are the cocktail shakers and glasses and Penguin Ice Bucket...
On the Stereo, the pink object is a vintage ceramic planter light...
Yeppers, we luv MCM.....

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Night Night Sweet Plants...

Well,,, all the garden decorations are put away for the Winter and  I pruned up the last few lavender plants, and my peonies... and then put mulch around them..
My hubby dearest pruned my roses and mulched them... SO that is it until Spring 2020...
We didn't get all of the bulbs and rhizomes out and transplanted to their new location,,, but that can be done in the Spring when the ground warms up. The large majority of blubs and rhizomes were transplanted early September...
Soooo,, after all that hard work..heeheehee.. I deserve this!
Beer and cookies... I am sure these fall into a food group!? hahaha!


The Quilt and another Pillowcase are finished...

Whoot Whoot! I finished up the quilt and another pillowcase...
 what a fun color combination.....
 I even stitched on a YoYo at each corner....
 The pink pillowcase just needs to be ironed.....
I am having fun digging through my stash of fabrics to make these pillowcases.
I still have 1 left on my sewing table to be stitched up... then I will move on to a Christmas lap quilt that I started 2 years ago!  
Who knows,,, maybe I will have it finished up before Christmas this year!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Still Hiding in my Sewing room...

Yeppers,, I am still hiding out in my sewing room...
It snowed again yesterday, I did some more sewing..
 I made 3 of the 5 pillow cases...
 now I need to iron them...
 ok,,, ironed and put aside for gifts...
 then I ironed the strip quilt, binding and backing.. now to assemble...
 I luv the fun perky colors...
 last I stitched up a child's apron...
 light weight seersucker, so I backed the fabric for durability.
I luv seersucker.. I had this in my fabric stash for a long time...
Well now to stitch up the last 2 pillow cases and the quilt..
 Happy Snow day....

Saturday, October 5, 2019

My Sewing room is where I hide when it's cold Outside!

Yeppers! I spend a lot more time in my sewing room when it is cold outside...
 I was playing around with fusible webbing to attach fabric to glitter felt and I also used a glue stick to glue some fabric to card stock..
 I spotted this idea on a YouTube video... the one on the video was of 4 pumpkins,, I just tested the pattern with 2 pumpkins. Oh,, and yes I need to re-iron it.. that will be tomorrow's project! Heehee!
 I cut a bunch of small strips and made a table topper. I have so many,, but I enjoy making them.
 Then I made a 44x64" quilt out of the green Maryjane fabric by Moda...
Now to iron it and then hit the fabric store to find the perfect backing and batting.. I already cut the strips for the binding....
 Oh, and here are my "Testers" to give me their approval...
Ginger really likes it and can hardly wait for it to be finished!!!