Sunday, December 29, 2019

OH Dear!!!

OH Dear!  I have more machines then I have work space!!
 and these are just the ones out,, I also have 3 in the closet, and 2 more out in another closet,, and then there are some more out in the Barn covered in moving blankets..
I have 2 Singer 301 machines, a black one and a tan one in the closet..
Well, you just never know when you are going to need several machines to work on a projects,, or 'sew' I keep telling myself!
On that note,, I probably should clean and organize my sewing room,, I can't use,," I am working on Christmas gifts" as an excuse now... hahaha!

Almost 2020

Well,,, we are at the point of no return,,, just a matter of a couple of days and then it will be  a New Year, 2020..
OH,,What mischief shall we get into?
I don't make New Years Resolutions,, but I do think and day dream of the fun that awaits us.
Sewing, Camping, Kayaking, spending time with the grand kiddos and maybe even get in a little bit of gardening...
But until January 1st,, I need to get back to taking down the Christmas decorations,, chase some dust bunnies out from under the sofa, might even find the cat toys under there too!
Time to pack all the sweet decorations away for next year.
Hope you all had a most Blessed Christmas and looking forward to a Joyous New Year.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Merry Christmas 2019

2019 is almost over... and I have not spent much time on the computer. to busy with Holiday crafting and baking...
Treated myself to a new Embroidery machine... LUV IT!
 have been sewing and crafting...
 and scored 2 fabulous sewing machines from the 2nd Hand store..
A Singer 401A  and a 2011 Husquvarna  Emerald 183 machine.. Both works Fabulous!
'Sew' hopefully I will find lots of spare time to sew this January...
In the mean time...
May you have a Blessed Christmas and may the coming New Year bring you Joy , Love and Peace...
 Merry Christmas 2019