Thursday, April 30, 2020

Whooo's Watching the Garden???

Whooo's watching my garden???
 The Robins love my Cherry trees and the small birds like the Apple tree,,, sooo.. my darling hubby attached a bunch of rubber snakes to the trees.. and a Faux Owl on the garden post...
 Meet, Ollie,, the Garden Guardian... let's hope he is able to deter the birds...   
Gary,,, attaching snakes to the branches....  if the rubber snakes don't scare off the birds,,, our grandson is going to get a whole bunch of rubber snakes!!!  hahaha!

Just a Little Quilting Time..

Well, between yard work and other chores around the property,,, I have been doing some quilting..
Several years ago I received  a stack of  5" square fabric from Monica Solairo ...
Monica designed these fabrics.... 
 It's a Wintery themed Gnome fabric... in fun vibrant colors mixed with softer tones...
I put it together like a Suduko puzzle.
Then I used red fabric to encase each square... it is approx. 36 x 36... (92cm x 92cm) now to decide what color to use for the backing and binding...
And these are my latest blocks... 12.5  x  12.5  (30.5cm x 30.5cm) each... all in sweet pastel pinks and purples along with shades of greens...  
 I like the way the rose and the greens compliment the purple and pink..
 I need to find the perfect fabric for the backing as well as for the binding... I am thinking that the Rose color would be perfect for the binding and maybe use a green for the backing,,,
 Not sure yet what to do with these blocks...
If I use 2" strips it will measure out to  30 x30 (76cm x 76cm).. I could make it into a table topper...
Or I could hang it up on the wall in my sewing room... or?...
If you click on the photos, it should 'em-biggen' the photos...

Friday, April 24, 2020

My little Garden is Coming Along...

Well, my little garden is coming along...
Got some of my seedlings planted in the ground,, while others are still starting in the warmth of my dining room table..
 I still need to find onions, potatoes and 2 more raspberry plants..
 I have 2 of these bins, with strawberries,,, and I even have itty bitty strawberries coming on..
 my Tomatoes and Bell peppers are planted,,, as well as some other goodies..
 yep, even my tomatoes are blossoming..
 Hubby had to add his own touch to the garden décor... heeheehee..
We still have work to do around the outside of the garden... but by next year it should be a fabulous garden... to sit and watch the plants grow and enjoy a lovely glass of Wine.... 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Happy Birthday To Me!

Happy Birthday to me...
I normally don't mention my birthday,, and try to keep it low keyed.. but,, it was such a wonderful day.... I couldn't resist sharing...
The sun was shining and the weather was lovely...
First thing this morning, my childhood best friend called me... (from Germany) and we chatted and giggled like a couple a little girls!
Then my sister called to tease me about being older than her..haha!
I also got a call from a dear friend who lives in Pennsylvania,, and is the most talented Knitter and fabulous gardener... with a heart as big as the moon for critters both furry and feathery.
Then, my lovely former neighbor called to wish me a Happy B-day and let me know she had a gift for me...
 a sweet music box, a Glamping Tote and a wool felt pattern...
I have been wanting this pattern, but just never bought it.. now I have it!   :>)
So far, so good... I even made chocolate-chocolate chip muffins..
Then my daughter stopped by with the grand-kiddos,,, and dropped off a gift,  we ate the muffins and the kids entertained us with cart wheels and hand stands, and lots of "Air-Hugz"...
my daughter made this "Diamond Painting' for me,,,, and the kiddos made a wall plaque with their hand prints on it (which I forgot to take a photo of)...
Hubby made a dash for the Post Office and brought a stack of mail,, filled with birthday cards and goodies...
Winnie, back in Florida sent me a cute YOYO fob,,, knowing how I love YOYOs...
How cute,, and what a sweet idea...
Then there was a cox, that arrived from Sherry,, we did a scrap swap.. and her gift to me arrived to day!
 it was loaded with goodies... tea, handcrafted cards,, even a fabric sewn post card, and hand made stick pins... and.....
 this is a tote she made for me from some MaryJane Butters Glamping  fabric...
she even used glamping fabric for the inside pockets..... oh I can hardly wait to use it!
And the day gets better.. I had ordered a 'Air Fryer',, and it arrived today, wasn't due until the 25th,,,  but since I didn't have anything to make in it... yet... hubby took me to Arbys,, Drive Thru for dinner... Oh my stars! it is the 1st time I have been out to eat in 7or8 weeks! Wowzers!!!!
After dinner, we managed to get some bulbs dug up and transplanted... 
And that my friends is all the excitement for 1 day...
Thanks for letting me ramble on and on about my birthday... I just might be willing to have another one, next year!!!

Staying Safe at Home...

Good Stars!, you would think with all this 'staying at home'... I'd get a ton of things done,, and even get caught up on my UFO projects.. but Nope!,, I am more behind then before.. LOL!
I do, do a lot of puttering both in the house and outside.. I have several "To-Do's... to do!
But in between I do manage to get a few things done...
 on one of the rare sunny days,, I took advantage of the sunshine and breeze and used my 'solar dryer'.
 made some more yoyo bunnies....
 Gary made me a lovely and very comfortable handle for my crochet hook...
 more bunnies, yep, they 'multiply like rabbits'... lol!
 I finished sewing a 112 YOYOs for a project...
 and had fun making these cute felt lady bugs....
 I also did some machine embroidery.....
 I finaly finished up this little wool felt project....
 Hubby brought these home for me... FREE!  guess what they will become???
 I also have these 2 basins to use for gardening... the black one will be for my carrots and the blue one for chives and parsley...
 I made myself a new Lavender & rice (heat/cold) pillow....ahhh!, the lavender smells fabulous!
I can heat it in the microwave for 20 seconds when I need a Heat wrap,, and I can put it in the freezer for 30 minutes when I need a cold pack/wrap...
 I finally got around to making a YOYO Owl.. it was a bit tricky, but all that is needed to complete it is to sew on the feet, over a twig/branch...
 yep,,, here are those 112 yoyos... I made it into a table topper.
 I also finished up this wee quilted and applique pin cushion .. now all I need is some silica sand for it and then stitch it up closed.
 here is another table topper made from pink and green Maryjane Butters, Fabric...
 So easy to stitch up...  this one is smaller,, only 45 yoyos....
 Well here it is,, my new enclosed garden... complete with table and chairs to sit in and enjoy a glass of white wine as I watch my garden grow.
 hopefully I will be able to plant all my seedlings in the raised beds and containers this coming week end.
 I puttered with some scrap fabric and made these 2 quilt blocks...   not perfect, but they were fun to make. Still haven't decided what to do with them yet...
Red-White-Blue color theme...
Well that's pretty much it,,, don't have any photos of us weeding..... lol!
Have a great Week end...

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Once Again,, I have been Lazy!

Again,, I have let to much time lapse between posts...
I have no excuse except that I am forgetful and lazy!
With the on going Pandemic World Wide,, I spend more time reading the News, looking at others Blogs and dreaming of creating a fabulous Victory Garden.
But I do manage to spend time in my very messy sewing room...
So,, here is what I have been up to.
 I have been playing with my embroidery machine,, as my little companion keeps watch over me...
 I made this wee little table topper for a very dear friend..
 I came across an old 1953 Sears catalogue,, Look what fabric cost...
 Using the same pattern, I also made some 'mug rugs' for a Farm Girl swap. The little round sachet is filled with Lavender from my garden.
 My wonderful husband found this sewing desk, complete with a working Kenmore sewing machine.. for $7.50.. yep! you read right!.
 but, I prefer my Husqvarna... so the Kenmore is underneath. I actually have 3 machines set up for use,, this one, my Singer 406A and my Singer Feather weight.
 I stitched up yet another apron,, just a simple utilitarian apron...
 I also made a bunch of felt Lady Bugs... I don't know why,, I just did,, they were easy projects to work on while watching T.V.
 I bought some more machine embroidery patterns...and am having fun with them.
 I plan to use this design to make Tags for my sewing/quilting gifts.
 Here is another mug rug... I love Embroidery machine for quick projects...
 This is a Wool Felt project I recently finished up... not sure what I will do with it...
 and YOYOs.. lots more YOYOs... actually I plan to make a Table Topper with them...
 Hubby brought these home for me,,.my soon to be 'Raised Beds' for gardening...
 I am also using these smaller ones for my carrots and the blue one will be for Herbs.
 I made myself a new calming pillow,,, with lavender and rice... so I can heat it in the microwave for aches or cool it in the freezer for use for headaches.
 and bunnies... lots more bunnies!
 I snag out the colors from my treasure trove of YOYOs to create the perfect Bunny!
 Easter will be very different this year,,, with Social Distancing,, we will not be gathering with family and friends... but thank goodness for Face Time, and telephones...
 And like so many others,, I have been making face masks for family and friends...  my hubby and I do wear ours when we are out in public when we have to go to the Post Office or market..
Otherwise, we stay home and stay safe.
Stay Home, Stay Safe and remember,, this will pass and we will be able to be together again, but until then, God Bless....