Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Wowzers! it's starting to get hot here...

Well we are finally getting some real 'summer' weather.. we have been in the 90's lately... and my garden is showing it...
My garden has also been invaded by Grass Hoppers, both the green ones as well as the brown ones.. and they are destroying my Roses too!
Uugh! I refuse to us chemical pesticides.. ..I can only hope that the birds will feast on the Grass Hoppers,, and soon!
My Hubby on 'big yellow' was heading out to the front of our property to do some grading,, while Charlie, (in the back ground), was getting ready to cut Hay on the back 12 acres of our property...  (big) boys and their toys!!!....
 In the mean time, I puttered in my sewing room... I managed to make a few more masks,, and got some machine embroidery completed as well..
Hubby and I took a break and drove into Spokane to get caught up with some errands... and I managed to talk him into letting me hit a Thrift Shop... where I found these...
 2 crisp hand linens, a hand stitch hanky and a small mini quilt.. $1.99 total for all.
I think the motif is that of a floral wreath. With 4  flowers and the green would be the leaves.....
what do you think?
 The mini quilt is a shy 12 x12 inch quilt,, and the little blocks are about the size of a thumb nail.
The quilt maker, hand top stitched the flowers... and signed her name and year on the back side.. 
"Jayne Belle, 1989".. I wonder who she was,,, what her motivation was to make this sweet mini quilt... was it her 1st quilt? her last? did she make it for a friend or just something for her to keep her hands busy?
If only this mini quilt could talk.
Happy Wednesday.....

Friday, July 24, 2020

Slow email and fast Spam!

It seems lately ,, the incoming comments for my blog are rather slow to appear,,  I had 4 this morning but with earlier dates, the 21st-23rd,, and yet I checked my comment box last night and there were no comments.. hmmm,,,
BUT... that being said... once again my Blog account is getting slammed with 'very improper' spam comments!
For a short while I was getting these disgusting vial spams over on my Trailer blog,, and they finally ceased,, and now they are coming to this blog. 
Why do people think it's ok to do that?,  to sully someone's blog?
It's like an unwelcome person barging into your house and spewing vial and vulgar language and suggestions!!!
I can only hope these Spammers develop raging blisters on their fingers and bottoms... and their eyeballs constantly water so they can not spend time on  the computer to annoy innocent peoples blogs or anywhere else.
Anyhow,, I will continue to delete their shameful comments, and enjoy the kind words left for me by others who visit my blog,..
FYI, thought I would share these cleaver ideas I spotted over on pinterest... plant domes and a watering jug...
 A watering container, what a great craft idea for kids to make for their moms who like to garden...
Have a wonderful weekend,,, as for me,, I am off to go harvest my onions.... now if only my beets were ready to harvest, so I can preserve them... I am actually thinking I might do freezer beets this year, rather than canning...
Happy almost end of the month...

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Lookie what was in my Garden...

Lookie what greeted me this morning in my garden...
Sunshine with wings!
 A Western Swollowtail Butterfly...
I don't know who was happier,, the Sunflower, the Butterfly or me!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Talented verse Challenged....

OK,,, some people are Talented... me... I am Challenged... when it comes to cell phones and computers...
I ended up sending a few photos from my phone to my secondary email address and then downloaded them into my computer, in the 'Pictures" file thingy...
So here are pictures of the Sun Bonnet I made as well as a cute quilted pin cushion,,, actually I made 6 of the pin cushions and mailed them out to various friends...
 I had made one pin cushion last month to give to a special friend for her birthday... and decided to make a bunch more...
 This is the Bonnet I made for Linda in our Sun Bonnet Swap...
 I double lined the bonnet to keep the heat off the head,, and used an extra stiff facing for the brim of the bonnet.
 then I stitched on some sweet seed beads to make it dainty... I hope she likes the bonnet.
Here is a photo of the apron that I made and sent.. I had forgotten to take a photo so I 'borrowed' this photo of it off the swap site...
I used up-cycled pink and white searsucker fabric for both the bonnet and the Chef style apron...
I happen to love searsucker fabric....old fashioned as it may be...
I machine embroidered her name on the pocket along with a cute kitchen design.. I also made a sweet sleep mask and sent her a small sachet of lavender from my garden...
 Gary made me another sign for my Iris Patch out of cast off car plates.... 
 This isn't the best photo,, but this little visitor to my garden just merrily flittered from bud to bud.. She must like Lavender as much as I do...
I was searching through my closet for who knows what,, and pulled out this old sewing machine... It is a Western Electric hand crank machine...  I haven't sewn with it yet,, but I do know a gal, who is an avid quilter, she takes her hand crank with her to her cabin,,  there is no electricity,, so the hand crank works perfect since she doesn't need electricity to sew,.
Ok,, all caught up...
Have a great weekend...

Catching Up....

Ok, so,, a quick little catching up...
#1, turns out the mystery Poppy is not an Opium Poppy, Whew!,, but falls in the ornamental category as a PomPom or Carnation Poppy..
 This one has 7 flower heads coming up,,,
I have 2 more of these plants, one next to this one and the other is about 10ft away under the Walnut tree,,,
I hope I can capture some seeds from these,, I would love to plant more next year...
#2... I recently participated in both an Apron swap and a Sun Bonnet swap.. these are what I received...
 This sweet sewing themed bonnet was made by Linda aka Quiltee...
 I like that there is a 'pony tail port' where my hair can hang out from...
 Isn't this the cutes fabric???
Then Denise aka levisgranny, made this reversible apron for me....
 and she even made a cute little tote pouch that the apron was tucked in, along with some  sweet goodies... if you click on the apron photo you well get a better look at the little tote that I flipped inside out,, which is also the same fabric for the back side of the apron...
I took photos of the bonnet and apron that I made and sent to Linda and Denise.. but I will have to wait to post them,, as I am not sure how to download my cell phone photos...
I do enjoy swapping with my friends,, but at the cost of postage these days... I am finding I do less and less swaps... the average swap costs between $7-14.00 for postage,,,,  which is just crazy...
Anyway... I will try to move the photos from my cell to my computer... wish me luck!  haha!

Friday, July 10, 2020

Hedgie the Hedge Hog

Well I finally finished up another UFO..
A wee Hedge Hog pillow...
 So,,, what do you think?
I love wool felt projects,,, I really should stitch them more often...
As  for the old wooden Cigar Box,,, using old empty wooden thread spools, I wrapped embroidery floss around them. I had a box full of half used skeins, most were missing the labels, so this was the perfect way to do to keep them tidy.
And now it's time to move onto another project....

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Hmmmm, I wonder what it is???

Well,,, while weeding in my Iris garden,, I noticed an odd plant coming up,, so I left it,, and after a few weeks, this is what it now looks like...
 if you click on the photo you will get a better view/larger photo...
My hubby searched this on a Flower Identifier App,,, and it appears to be,,, possibly...
either a decorative  Poppy... or a Opium Poppy!!!   Oh Dear!!!
If it is a Opium Poppy,,, my neighbors have some explain to do!!!  LOLOL!
And, today I noticed,,, there is a 2nd one coming up, just a few inches away from this one...
Oh MY Stars! I will be keeping an eye on them!

Banner Swap and UFO's...

Now that the Banner swap is over I can post pics...
here is the one I made and gifted to Marilyn...
 I used Blues and yellows,,, and made a matching mug rug...
 I machine embroidered the center flag with Marilyn's name.
and Marilyn sent me 2 sweet banners...
 I luv these fun colors,, I am going to hang this one in my Aristocrat trailer..
 and then there is this sweet altered hand stitched cloths...
 I am going to hang this one in my Serro Scotty trailer..
I just love these sweet banners...
I also ,,, finally finished up another UFO,, my little quilt topper...
 I received these cute little 4.5" x 4.5" fabric squares,,, from Monica Solerio, about
 8 years ago,, they sat around in my "To-Do' box,, and I finally got around to Doing...
I especially love the little Gnomes, or Zwergs, as my family calls them.
I am still working on the Hedge Hog woolie,, hopefully I will get it done this week.
Have a Lovely week....