Sunday, July 25, 2021

Oh My Goodness! Has it been 2 months?

Oh my goodness,,, has it been 2 months since I last posted? and now we are heading into August! So,, I will do the super speed "play catch"... We started some renovations around our home, some outside, but most inside...with a lot more projects in the horizon... I would like to say I have been super busy in my sewing/craft room too! but alas,, the only thing I managed to do,,, is make a mess!!! Also, I had to get a new Cell phone as my old Cell phone was so out of date it no longer will operate as a phone,, though I can still use it to check facebook, instagram and pinterest... so I had to buy a new phone,, then had to have all my contacts and apps sent over to the new phone.. and that was the easy part (NOT!).. but now I am learning how to use this phone.. I am involved in 2 'Swaps',, one is a mini quilt swap, 6" x 12" mini quilt..... and the other swap is a 're-purpose blue jeans' project of our choice... I do enjoy the Swaps,, but with the cost of postage these days,, I think I will be a bit more picky in the swaps that I participate in.
here are a few of the mini quilts that I made in June... I have more photos,, but they are on my new cell phone and I have not figured out how to get them to my computer.. As soon as I do learn how to transfer the photos over,, I will post... I hope everyone is having a lovely SUmmer,, but to be honest,, I am looking forward to Autumn,, I prefer the cooler temps. Have a wonderful time, stay safe and stay healthy. >^..^<