Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Once Again.. I am so behind in posting...
Once again, I am so behind in posting... the last few months have been a blur...
We have been busy working around our 14acres,, and with all the heat, have had to put many projects on hold.
As you know,, there have been so many fires up and down the West Coast from California to Canada...
and Eastern Washington has had it's share as well.
Even our daughter had a veggetation fire on the back side of her property behind the Goart barn.. thankfully the
fire crews arrived very fast and got the fire under control by late that evening.
But, finally the weather has come down from the 100' degrees down to the 70-80's...
Here are some photos of some projects I have been playing with...
The 1st photo is of our Ginger girl viewing a denim apron I received from a friend.. in the 2,3,4th photos are the items I made for a denim recycle swap... I made a flag banner that says "Dare to Dream", a lavender filled jeans pocket, a key cholder and mug rugs...
In the 5th photo, I made a fabrick stuffed pin wheel'...
Then I picked 6lbs of tomatoes,,,from my garden so I made salsa
I made 8 half pints of yummy salsa..
My hubby repaired my old camp sign ... I love the way it turned out!
I am currently painting the little trailer, so as soon as it is painted it goes back on and the sign goes out by my trailers...
and while hubby was working on the camp sign I put together a little wind chime from cast off stuff...
Hubby and I spotted this vintage old wash machine.. I knew I had the perfect spot for it!! and next year it will be filled with flowers...
Hubby is still scratching his head,, but, no matter,,, I luv it, and that is all that matters! lol!
And last, on a sad note,, for my sister and me, our Mother passed away after 3 years of living with a frail body and mind due to a Stroke.
Mother,,, Oma never lost her sence of humor and was always smiling in spite of her stroke
We are recovering from our loss,,, but even though mother is gone,, she will remain in our memories and hearts for ever.
Klara Wilhelmenia Brigitte Wolf, June 5th 1934 to August 8th 2021....
Oma, we love you.