Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Hello Blogger World
Well,,, Hello Blogger World,, I could not get back into Blogspot for several months,, so I gave up...
Then my computer gave up the ghost..but now, I am back,,, I think.
My poor hubby is still having issues trying to get into Blogspot as well.
Let's see, what have I been up to since my last post back in August... lots!
Between gardening and sewing...I've managed to keep my heart busy,, you see, my beloved
mother passed away in August,, And like so many others, trying to take care of issues after a beloved
parent passes, especially in the midst of this on going COVID-19 pandamic, it has been a challenge.
But here it is now,, Autumn and I am looking forward to family coming up to visit for Thanksgiving.
OK,, on a happier note, here are some of my mischief makings..
#1.Some goodies I made for a Denim swap
#2. Machine embroidery-Autumn Gnomes
#3. The new Trailer Garage
#4. My sweet mother's last visit back in 2019
Sorry I didn't comment between the photos,, but Blogspot is still not user friendly for me..
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.. Looking forward to 2022 when hopefully we will be over this pandamic and back to normal.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Once Again.. I am so behind in posting...
Once again, I am so behind in posting... the last few months have been a blur...
We have been busy working around our 14acres,, and with all the heat, have had to put many projects on hold.
As you know,, there have been so many fires up and down the West Coast from California to Canada...
and Eastern Washington has had it's share as well.
Even our daughter had a veggetation fire on the back side of her property behind the Goart barn.. thankfully the
fire crews arrived very fast and got the fire under control by late that evening.
But, finally the weather has come down from the 100' degrees down to the 70-80's...
Here are some photos of some projects I have been playing with...
The 1st photo is of our Ginger girl viewing a denim apron I received from a friend.. in the 2,3,4th photos are the items I made for a denim recycle swap... I made a flag banner that says "Dare to Dream", a lavender filled jeans pocket, a key cholder and mug rugs...
In the 5th photo, I made a fabrick stuffed pin wheel'...
Then I picked 6lbs of tomatoes,,,from my garden so I made salsa
I made 8 half pints of yummy salsa..
My hubby repaired my old camp sign ... I love the way it turned out!
I am currently painting the little trailer, so as soon as it is painted it goes back on and the sign goes out by my trailers...
and while hubby was working on the camp sign I put together a little wind chime from cast off stuff...
Hubby and I spotted this vintage old wash machine.. I knew I had the perfect spot for it!! and next year it will be filled with flowers...
Hubby is still scratching his head,, but, no matter,,, I luv it, and that is all that matters! lol!
And last, on a sad note,, for my sister and me, our Mother passed away after 3 years of living with a frail body and mind due to a Stroke.
Mother,,, Oma never lost her sence of humor and was always smiling in spite of her stroke
We are recovering from our loss,,, but even though mother is gone,, she will remain in our memories and hearts for ever.
Klara Wilhelmenia Brigitte Wolf, June 5th 1934 to August 8th 2021....
Oma, we love you.
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Oh My Goodness! Has it been 2 months?
Oh my goodness,,, has it been 2 months since I last posted? and now we are heading into August!
So,, I will do the super speed "play catch"...
We started some renovations around our home, some outside, but most inside...with a lot more projects in the horizon...
I would like to say I have been super busy in my sewing/craft room too! but alas,, the only thing I managed to do,,, is make a mess!!!
Also, I had to get a new Cell phone as my old Cell phone was so out of date it no longer will operate as a phone,, though I can still use it to check facebook, instagram and pinterest... so I had to buy a new phone,, then had to have all my contacts and apps sent over to the new phone.. and that was the easy part (NOT!).. but now I am learning how to use this phone..
I am involved in 2 'Swaps',, one is a mini quilt swap, 6" x 12" mini quilt..... and the other swap is a 're-purpose blue jeans' project of our choice... I do enjoy the Swaps,, but with the cost of postage these days,, I think I will be a bit more picky in the swaps that I participate in.
here are a few of the mini quilts that I made in June...
I have more photos,, but they are on my new cell phone and I have not figured out how to get them to my computer..
As soon as I do learn how to transfer the photos over,, I will post...
I hope everyone is having a lovely SUmmer,, but to be honest,, I am looking forward to Autumn,, I prefer the cooler temps.
Have a wonderful time, stay safe and stay healthy.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Oh Will Sunny Weather Ever Arrive?
It has been a long slow Spring... and I still can't plant my seedlings out in the garden...
Hopefully I will get them out into the garden by the end of the week,, fingers crossed...
In the mean time,, I got a few more projects finished up.
A wine bottle Bib for my sister...
A Soccor flag for my cousin.
an apron made from a pair of my old jeans... and some scrap triming.... and as always,, a couple of yoyos...
and a flag made with yoyos... for the 4th of July celebration.
I still have a basket full of UFO's... who knows,, I just might get them finished.....
We are waiting for our new windows to be installed.. as well as new stucco on the front of the house... plus hubby plans to have the front driveway entrance finished... we have a few other home remodel plans,,, set for next year... like painting the barn and a bathroom remodel..
But for now,, fingers crossed we can sneak away for some camping this summer.
Well, time to kick back and get a little reading in.
Happy May, stay safe, stay healthy.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
More April Projects...
I have been busy with getting ready to start up my garden,, and we are starting to do some home renovations... but I still manage to
get a few crafty projects done...
I played with a cute Daisey & Bee design for a friend who likes Bees...
the Gnome with the wine glass is for my sister,
The little 'sewing room" is a key holder.
The tan & blue camping design is a mini pillow
The Fuss Ball is for cousin in Germany.
Hopefully this week I will have time to play a bit more with my embroidery machine.
Our weather here in the Spokane area has been a bit gloomy,, but hopefully next week our weather will start to be much nicer,, I really want to get my garden going.. I have started seedlings in the house but now they are starting to get a little lanky and need to be planted outside.
This years flower bed will be packed with plants that will attract Bees, Hummingbirds and Butterflies...
Last week my husband and I had to run some errands in town and we made a quick stop into our favorite Thrift Shop.. Oh, look what I found!!!
3 lovely, unfinished Quilt tops!! I paid $16.00 for all 3... I will attach the batting, backing and binding during the summer.
I also found a cute vintage apron for $2.00
What a fun day we had...
I can hardly believe the month of April is almost over.. but, we got our 2nd COVID vaccination and now we can feel a bit more comfortable visiting with our friends, but, we will continue to wear our face masks just to be safe...
Dear friends, stay safe and healthy.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
It Has been Busy here at 'Running Quail Ranch'...
It has been so very busy since we got home from Southern California... and just have not had time to visit here on Blogger... but it's quiet for now,,, so I will try to play catch-up..
A lot of Joy and Saddness has visited us and our family and some dear friends this past month ,, but Faith keeps us strong....
We are having some remodeling on this old house of ours done and celebrating several birthdays.... plus I am waiting for Spring to really show up so I can get going on my garden and pull my 2 vintage trailers out of the barn.
Gary and I hope to be able to put our Motorhome to good use this summer as well, fingers crossed.
Here are some fun little projects I have been working on... sorry the photos are not all that great,,,
I made this Yoyo table topper from vintage feed sack material for a swap challenge..
I found this pre-cut cork material and turned them into a pair of earrings for a friend.
I made a upcycled Jean tote bag for a wonderful High School friend.
Then I made several Yoyo flags for banners... which some will be sent to friends... I think I might need to make one for one of my camping trailers...
Both Gary and I have had our 1st COVID vaccination,,, and will get our 2nd one next week... but we will still maintain distancing and wear masks... and Washington state will be opening up the vaccinations for all age groups by the 19th of April... much to our relief,, now our daughter will be able to get hers.
In the meantime,, until this pandemic is past us world wide.. we practice staying safe and we hope you will stay safe too.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Busy Hands equals Cute Projects...
While staying at my mother's Palm Desert home,, we listed it and got it sold and now we are vacationing in Palm Springs until mid-late March.
In the mean time,, to keep me busy while the Contractors are here working on the house... I have been keeping busy with some hand sewing..
I worked on a mini cross stitch project and I have been crocheting dish rags, some I have already handed out.. and my favorite,,, yoyos...
I have some more cotton yarn to crochet a couple more dish rags.. and I have a few more mini cross stitcher kits.
If it were not for the COVID-19 pandamic.. we would be out all over Palm Springs getting into mischief, but Thank Goodness for the lovely sunny warm weather..
Happy Feburary to you all.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Loving the So California Weather...
Well, my husband and I are truly loving this lovely Palm Springs weather...
We take afternoon walks with our Ginger, and enjoy our morning coffee out on the Patio.
I have also found a few more "Hedge Hogs for my collection..
I also got to meet up with a dear old friend from High School,, we masked up and went out to breakfast and a very long gab fest.
Stay Safe and Healthy
Saturday, January 23, 2021
MIA in Palm Springs California
Well,,, we have been 'Missing In Action' MIA in lovely Palm Springs, for the past 23 days.CA.,, the weather has been awesome, well up till today when it rained. But it didn't dappen our spirits...
We have been keeping busing and also being typical tourists..
Gary and Ginger lover their daily walks and I love my daily shops.. haha!
Love shopping at 'ALDI' for my favorite wine,, Winking Owl... and then poping over to World Market, where I scored some yummy chocolates and a few more Hedge Hogs to add to my collection.. The yarn one is a trea pot cover cozy.
Hope life is treating you all well...
Stay Masked, Stay healthy and Stay Happy.