Sunday, October 31, 2010

November 1st...

OK, it's official.... it's Autumn/Winter ... how do I know? because the little German Store that I shop for my German foods and goods has just gotten in their shipment of Pear Brandy Chocolate...
Each year I buy a box or 2 or 3 of Schladerer Chocolate covered Pear Brandy as well as stock up on several bottles or Gluhwein and of course Lebkuchen...all of these are traditional German Winter goodies that are only around for the Winter~Holiday season.
Yep, it's time to start the Winter fest.....

Happy Halloweenie

Look what came knocking at our door on Halloween....yep, our very our little
grand-pumpkins along with their mommy & daddy...
It was a spookatacular visit.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Outting with the Girlies...

Today was doctor appointment day for Phoobit,,,,and of course I could not resist playing with her as you can see by the 'safety mask' I put on her heard...I am sure she is thinking..."Not funny Oma!"...
I have never seen such small Hospital Gowns, but they have cute little ones even for the littlest of patients.
As a treat for the girls,,,and us,,,we headed to the Mall for lunch and then a trip to the Toy Store,,,unfortunately the girlies are not as big a Shopaholics as we are...but some day they too will have the 'shopping gene'....but for now, it's nappy time!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday Night!

Ok, as some of you know, I am a member of the Spokane German~American Society, club and occasionally I cook dinner for the members which can be anywhere from 35 to 115...
Last night I made Goulash with buttered noodles, beets, tossed salad, Brotchen(rolls) and for dessert I decided to cheat and order in a Carrot Cake from our local market bakery.
I had them leave the cake plain on top and when we cut the cake into portions we stuck little "Peeps" Ghosts on each was Spooktacular! and it got a lot of laughs....oh and yes the carrot cake was delicious,,,with lots of fresh carrot shreds and butter cream frosting.

As for the picture of the "Bear Hunter Honey Liqueur", I spotted the cute "Beehive topper" and had to post this picture for my dear friend, Bev, who raises bees and has beehives...oh and yes that is my glass next to the bottle and yes it was yummy,,, it is smooth with a hint of sweet to find where I can buy a bottle for the Holiday.
I'll bet this liqueur slightly warmed up and a dollop of sweet whipped cream on top would be over the top delicious!
I just had to post a picture of this Salsa,,,,it is a fantastic product made by Juanita Puente, whom I went to High School with....(Newbury Park Panthers~ RULE!) and she now lives in Coeur D'Alene, ID.
So thanks to Face Book, I have found a lot of old class mates, including Juanita, living up here in the Inland Northwest. I was delighted to find her salsa at our little local market, which is a big supporter of of local producers and farmers. We can buy beef, poultry, vegetables from local grown farmers instead of the big ginormous mass producer companies. I love that they & we support our local farmers.
Well all in all, it was a Spooktacular Saturday....hope yours was too!
Oh and yes, I managed to eat 3 of those Ghost "peeps"...what can I say, I am a little girl trapped in a old woman's body! lol! I mean Booooooohahaha!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Apple Picking Time

My elderly neighbor has a lone apple tree that has been neglected except by the deer....
yet it still produces delicious apples.
Today the sun was shining and it was a warm 60 degrees and a perfect day for apple picking.
So I picked enough apples for my neighbor to bake a couple pies and for myself to make applesauce.
It was tricky getting to the good ripe ones, especially since I had lent my fruit picker and so I had to do a lot of reaching & a little climbing....and thankfully I managed to not fall out of the tree.
Don't laugh, I wore my bright poncho,,,after all it's deer hunting season up here and I did not want to be mistaken for a deer snacking on the apples.
I don't know about you, but I love harvesting,,,and the best reward for harvesting is the yummy edibles like pies....

Morning on the West Plains

Sunrise on the West plains of Spokane.....yep, Autumn is upon us....
This is the view from my back deck....

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Boo Fest!

This is my daughter's kitty, "Fillster" , my Grand~Kitty....he has such incredible blue eyes.
Look what arrived today...OMG! what a cute apron.... I am in another Flirty Apron Swap hosted by Swap mama~Shawnee....
My secrete swap partner, Lori made this cute apron and tucked in a bunch of fun goodies to enjoy.
It's like Christmas in October.
I can hardly wait to wear my Boo Fest Apron when baking my next batch of cupcakes.
Thanx Shawnee for hosting & Thanx Lori for my silly whimsical apron.
Happy Boo Fest...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Flowers & a Freeze!

UUGGHH! this is what you get when you forget to cover your flowers on a night that the weather drops below freezing...
My Zinnias didn't survive at all...
The marigolds & calendulas are pretty much damaged as well and I didn't bother photographing my garden...dead, dead & dead....
I guess it's official...Summer is over!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

More Rag Rugs....

Yep, I am 'hooked' on making rag rugs.... (snicker, giggle)
These are the 2 that I am currently working on....
The white-ish one is from a king size flat sheet, 100% cotton, and was a sweet floral print.
It has a 'confetti' look to it once crochet in to a rug, and will measure about 30" x 24" when finished.
The second one, was a aqua colored (1970's) twin flat cotton sheet with large lime green dots all over it...and as you can see is not done,,, I need to find a solid color sheet that is either the same aqua or lime color to finish it. If I can't find either color then I will have to resort to buying fabric by the yard, about 3 yards to get the finished size I want....but I will have to wash the fabric 3-4 times first to soften it up to get the same 'worn' feeling as the original sheet.... so I am really hoping I get lucky and find a sheet that I can toss in the laundry once, dry, rip & crochet....
Anybody want to part with one of their old aqua or lime colored vintage 1970's sheets? lol!
Oh my, I just noticed, this is a "Kitty Free" photo...hmmm, they must all be snoozing by a sunny window! lol!

Friday, October 15, 2010

SweetPeas in October...

My SweetPeas....
OK, today is October 15th,,cold, overcast and windy up here in the Inland North West...and yet in spite of it all my wonderfully scented SweetPeas continue grow, bloom and to bring me joy.
These little blooms are from seeds that I saved from last years crop, which actually came form saved seeds that I brought up from our home in Moorpark California 3 years ago....
I don't garden by the rules, and so I re-sow seeds through out the summer so that I constantly have SweetPeas blooming....but I know that in another week or two and all my garden will be put to rest for the Winter, even my sweet lil SweetPeas....
Thank you SweetPeas for bringing me such sweet scented joy.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Happy October 2010

Morning on the West Plains...
Yep it's Autumn...
"How much is that Kitty in the window...? "
This is the most current apron that I made for a swap at the "Flirty Apron Swap blog"
Peekaboo kitty modeling my new vintage apron....
This is a sweet reversible apron..... I found this and the above pink apron at the local Thrift for $3.50 ea....awesome find....
I have been so busy and it is only half way through the month....
I was so delighted to find these 2 aprons...and for only $3.50 each...SCORE!
My little Peekaboo Kitty is my partner in crime and is always under foot because she is such a curious little kitty....and has to always check out my latest finds...

Friday, October 8, 2010

What Not To Do When...

So for those of you who know me, know that I LOVE spray paint....
: > )
A couple of years ago I had bought a 22-cup coffee percolator at a local Thrift Store to use for events....But it was this ugly brown color so I said, "Spray Paint It!" answer to everything!
EasyPeasy project & looked nice...just one little glitch in the giddy-up....
Do Not put the lid in the dishwasher....the combination of hot water & heat caused the paint on the lid to now I have to remember, anything I spray paint can not go in the dishwasher...
Oh well, I was thinking about re-painting it a different color anyhow!

MIA Cat!

Don't you hate it when you are in a hurry to get to an appointment & can't find 1 of your 3 kitties?
Now where could she be hidding?
Oh Dolly~girl,,,,here kitty kitty kitty.....

Working on My Feeding Skills....

Ok so what's not to love about lunch with grandbabies....they do not seem to be to critical about my 'feeding skills', (or lack there off) after all, it's been 34 years since I last feed a baby!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fried Green Tomatos

I experimented with a variety of tomato's that I had never grown before, "Green Strip"...and they are very good!
Not very big but lots of tangy flavor....I think I will have to grow more next year!

Baby Leilei's Birthday....

Proud Oma & baby "Phoobit"
Proud Opa & baby Leilei, the Birthday baby.... 1 year old....& loving it.

Proud family, Evan, Leilei, Meri & Phoobit...(Aunt Julie in the background)
Red Velvet cake (cupcake) yum! the perfect Birthday treat...
Happy Birthday Leilei.... papa Horst watches as Leilei enjoys her special day.
Meri & Phoobit.... she will be celebrating her 1 year birthday in january....ahh, it's good to be the 'baby sister'!