Proud Oma & baby "Phoobit"
Proud Opa & baby Leilei, the Birthday baby.... 1 year old....& loving it.

Proud family, Evan, Leilei, Meri & Phoobit...(Aunt Julie in the background)

Red Velvet cake (cupcake) yum! the perfect Birthday treat...
Happy Birthday Leilei.... papa Horst watches as Leilei enjoys her special day.

Meri & Phoobit.... she will be celebrating her 1 year birthday in january....ahh, it's good to be the 'baby sister'....lol!
They are too cute! Mom's got her hands full! I remember having 2 in diapers.....worse than twins! What a lovely family you all have! Happy Belated Birthday Leilei!