I received these 'lovelies' from Diane VH, from over at the MaryJane Farm forum....
We met at a recent farm girl tea at Maryjane Butters sweet Organic Farm and I had spotted this wonderful Cowgirl cookbook in the possession of Karen~kpaints...Karen had received it as a prize from Diane...well I made such a fuss about 'permanently borrowing it' from Karen if she didn't keep it under lock and key... lol!
Diane emailed me and said she had a spare copy and the next thing I knew... in was in my post box along with the Cowgirl Coffee and the sweet "FiFi Poodle" table scarf...OMG! I feel like I have won the Lottery,,, well almost! lol!
I LoVe my goodies & I love that a fellowette farm girl thought of me in such a sweet way.
Thank you, Diane... farm girl hugz...
Now to fix myself a pot of cowgirl coffee and get to reading! :>)
You are so welcome my friend!
Wow, you too huh, how sweet is that...Diane is just the sweetest farmgirl around!! Sure glad I won that cookbook in the Farmgirl giveaway..lucky me...and now you! Perfect...guess we had better rustle up some grub. lol