Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Few UFO's Completed.

I was able to finish up a few more UFO's from my stash.  Whoot Whoot!

I started this 'blue and pink' Scotty cross stitch well over two years ago..
I have a habit of working on cross stitch projects but never assembling them...
It will go out into my lil ol' Serro Scotty trailer....

More cross stitch projects that were from back when I lived in Spokane,, well over 3 years ago!
 My Tiger Lily cross stitch... I added a binding,,, but still have not decided what to do with it,,,
This little cross stitch pillow say's " A Mother's love, has no ends"...
I hand washed it in a vinegar  rinse, unfortunately some of the pink floss bleed a wee bit as well as faded.. I always wash/rinse my needle work in vinegar and water  to keep moths from feasting on the Aida cloth.

I also finished up a 'strip quilt' to donate to "Covers of Love" for ill patients in hospitals.
It isn't a UFO per I have only been working on it for about 3 or so months.
I have another one sitting on my sewing table just like this one... but I ran short of the fiber batting to finish  the top quilt. It to will go to Cover of Love...

And last but not least,,, I finished up this sweet pin cushion,, it was a 'kit' that was sent to me for my birthday,,, tada!  it is now done!
Yes my fingers hurt from all the needle work,, and yes I did say a few choice words, directed toward my machine when the bobbing kept breaking...LOL!
And now to kick back and then tomorrow I can dig through my UFO stash for another project...
Thank goodness I am retired,,, or these UFO's would never get completed!  LOL!