Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lavender Dreams...

Starting out with a few lavender plugs can someday lead to a field of Lavender Dreams...
The rule of thumb is the lighter the lavender the better for culinary,,, the darker the lavender the better for fragrance...
Ahhh, my sweet lavender....
My field of lavender dreams, a great place to sit and ponder...
I only have 7 white "Melissa" lavender plants.....
I planted them for interest and to use for tea and cooking.
Most of my lavenders are Grosso but I have about a dozen Provence....
I started out 3 years ago with 20 plants that grew into 125 by last year.
This past Winter I lost 7 plants to weather damage & a few to the darn gophers who have decided to tunnel in and around my lavender field.
This is the view up my driveway to the house.
I have started cutting my lavender starting out at the back rows,,,I want to let the bees take full advantage of the lavender. Plus it is such a good feeling to pull into the driveway and open the windows in my Jeep and take in the wonderful smell.
But by next week all but maybe a dozen plants will have been I said, gotta leave some for the bees...
I am very un-conventional when it comes to gardening, including my lavender...I don't play by the rules and yes, I run with scissors!
Happy Lavender Dreams....


  1. Ooooohhhh, Gracie!!! Your lavender looks absolutely beautiful....breathtaking. Whatever will you do with it all??? You need to do some culinary exploration!
    Hugs to you,

  2. Beautiful! I love lavender so I planted more this year. Hope to have a large area like yours someday.


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