Monday, November 6, 2017

New House...part 2

Well... here we are, still waiting to close escrow,,, waiting on  the surveyor to finish up the property lines... in  the mean time,,, here we wait... lol!
 oh,, did I mention...
 the snow came erly this year??
 Hmmm,,, wild turkeys,,, what does that remind me of? lol!
I manage to get some sewing in,,, while waiting...
2 more weeks,,, only 2 more weeks...


  1. Snow? Yikes. I guess I'd rather have snow here vs. all this tornado and rain weather.

  2. Wow, this is taking forever! I bet you are pulling your hair out. Crazy and this weather...yuk. Good luck.

  3. We moved a month or so ago and it was the fastest move ever! And now we're at the Trilogy resort enjoying a small house and all the amenities. Thanks for stopping by my Ocala blog and I think that with all that snow you should come down here and have some fun in the sun before your closing. Whatever, I wish you the best!


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