Ok, you know how some days you get "Bupkiss" when you are out snooping through the 2nd hand stores? and then comes along that unexpected trip to the Thrift store, and you can hardly put things in your cart fast enough,, well that was my day yesterday, the last day of 2007.
Oh My Goodness, I found such wonderful treasures! If you click on the pictures for a closer look you will see them better.
I found a 16pc. set of never used melamine dishes which will go in my SCAMP trailer. I love the asst. tea cups & saucers, in fact I googgled them and, are you sitting down?, the 3 tea cups, assorted saucers and the little sugar bowl(w/leaf design) would in total sell for $100.00 if I wanted to sell them...which I don't!. Not bad considering I paid between 49cents to $1.49 each.
The sewing machine is also a wonderful find that I got for $75.00 . It is a WHITE 1930's satin-crinkle finish machine & it WORKS!
The fabric is cool, I bought each piece for 99cents. The vibrant fruit print is about 1 1/2 yd and the muted red floral is actually a King sized pillow sham and the rusty colored fabric w/the gold trim, well I could not buy 3 yds of that trim for 99cent...and yes, each of these pieces of fabric will be hand laundered and re-purposed into aprons and other projects! Wow, I think I am going to miss 2007, but with all these goodies it will keep me busy in 2008.
Have a Happy, Healthy & Blessed New Year.