I LUV Krispy Kreme doughnuts!!!!! Who doesn't!?!

OOPS! this is what happens when Gary & I bring home a dozen of them.....

What a great way to start the morning..... :>)
My Love Affair with Doughnuts....
One of my connections to SO. California is that like 'Starbucks', there is one (doughnut shop) on nearly every corner...lol!
In Thousand Oaks/Newbury Park & Moorpark, where we use to live I had my favorite Doughnut Shops that I patronized frequently... I was soooo addicted to doughnuts back then that each morning after I dropped my daughter off at school and I headed on to work I would stop off at 'Fosters' Doughnuts on Thousand Oaks blvd. and get 2 plain cake doughnuts,,,my all time favorite.
I had no idea how much of a 'regular Customer' I was until I returned from being away for two weeks for vacation... I stopped in to get my 2 plain cakes when the owner asked if all was ok, since he & the staff had not seen me in the past two weeks.... and then proceeded to tell me I need to let them know when I plan to be gone on vacation so they won't worry about me! lol! I promised I would and he handed me 2 plain cakes, on the house, sort of a Welcome back gift... Awwweee...
I was such a regular customer that each morning, no matter how busy and crowded the doughnut shop was,,, I would walk in and the owner or his staff would wrap up 2 doughnuts and hand them to me over the crowd...and I handed him a dollar, wave goodbye and head on my way to work. Being a 'regular' had it's perks!
About a year later the shop changed owners and sadly it just wasn't the same. Shops come and go, memories gently fade,,,,but every time I smell fresh baked doughnuts my mind drifts back to a time when I didn't have to worry about calories, cholesterol and trans fats....but you know what, every now and then I throw caution to the wind and then I indulge in a yummy plain cake doughnut and then I sigh.... and remember my Love Affair with Doughnuts!