Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Hello Blogger World

Well,,, Hello Blogger World,, I could not get back into Blogspot for several months,, so I gave up... Then my computer gave up the ghost..but now, I am back,,, I think. My poor hubby is still having issues trying to get into Blogspot as well. Let's see, what have I been up to since my last post back in August... lots! Between gardening and sewing...I've managed to keep my heart busy,, you see, my beloved mother passed away in August,, And like so many others, trying to take care of issues after a beloved parent passes, especially in the midst of this on going COVID-19 pandamic, it has been a challenge. But here it is now,, Autumn and I am looking forward to family coming up to visit for Thanksgiving. OK,, on a happier note, here are some of my mischief makings..
#1.Some goodies I made for a Denim swap #2. Machine embroidery-Autumn Gnomes #3. The new Trailer Garage #4. My sweet mother's last visit back in 2019 Sorry I didn't comment between the photos,, but Blogspot is still not user friendly for me.. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.. Looking forward to 2022 when hopefully we will be over this pandamic and back to normal. Blessings