Oh My Stars! how lucky am I to not only find one,,, but two mid 1960's catalogs!
I found a 1964 Sears catalog and a 1965 Montgomery Wards catalog... SCORE!
What a great resource for graphics and styles of that era.
1964 Sears and 1965 Montgomery Wards catalogs, in great condition.
I had no idea you could by 'Bark Cloth' and 'Sail Cloth' via the catalogs.
I noticed in the 1964 catalog, most of the models were clad with matching shoes, handbag, gloves and hats... but in the 1965 there were less gloves in the photos... a sign of the times to come?
Matching His and Her shirts... ya right, like my hubby would wear a matching shirt! lol!
Oh how I wish we could still purchase replaceable seat cushions for my chrome chairs.
and last but not least,,, imagine my surprise and joy when I spotted this page....
yep! mine cost me $20 at an Antique shop in Santa Maria, Calif. back in 2oo5.. but it was only $14.50 brand new... in 1965... I actually use mine for storage of my tea bags, wine corks, and other goodies.
I have a feeling I will be spending a lot of time perusing through my New/Old catalogs....
What fun! It sure is funny how times have changed so much! Good find on the canister set.