Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fabric Stamping....

I spotted on a web sight/Blog,,, this great idea..., not a new idea to crafting and sewing,,, but every now and then it's great to see an idea re-surface from time to time...
This idea is great if you want to create s little something, customized to a hobby or what ever...
fabric stamping... using fabric ink... on cotton or pastel denim...
Hmmm, I am thinking I might have to stamp some fabric using my cute 'trailer' stamp, onto cotton fabric, along with my trail's name... and then make a tote out of it... or now that I think about it, how fun to make one for a fabulous gal~pal, with her name on it... oh the ideas are endless....trailers, chic katz, flowers, kiddie themed, etc... Ouch! I think my brain is going into fabric stamping crafting over-load! lol!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Keeping Busy...

As if I need another apron,,, but,,, I found in my fabric stash, a "Tourist" shirt that I found at a Thrift, bought, laundered, and cut up... and now the perfect apron to greet the summer months...
 I luv Tourist Shirts!
 I even incorporated the shirt label...
I luv repurposing old shirts.... and I love the big roomy pockets, plus I incorporated the small shirt pocket onto one of the big pockets,,, perfect for my camera or cell phone.
 I also made this sweet little Garden Flag... using the last little 'Maryjane Farm' fabric panel that I have had stashed away for several years... I attached it to burlap, and as always, embellished it with some yoyos...
  this fabric also came in green and in blue, but I love the way the red just Pops with color!

Then I created and finished this fun little Banner/Bunting that is for a Swap on the Maryjane Farm website.
 It's a mix of fabric and burlap, decorated with mini aprons, yoyos and then embroidered.
 'Farmgirl Jubilee'... how cute is that!  I almost hate to part with it... but I do hope that the recipient of this bunting will love it as much as I do.
Well today the weather is just begging for me to come out and play, so no sewing today...

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hen and Chicks...

While out junktiquing yesterday,, I found this sweet crochet 'Hen & Chicks'... isn't this the cutest?
 mama hen,,,,
 baby chick...
Hen and Chicks doillie...

I envy women who can crochet...
To think, women had time to makes these,... now we clutter our lives with  computer sites that consume our leisure time with superfluous time wasters.. and sadly I  too am guilty of this....

So when I come across such sweet pieces such as this doillie, I appreciate the work and love that went into it.
I wonder if this was crocheted as a gift or for personal use... but for now I will cherish it until it is time to send it on to it's next home to be cherished...

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Worked on some Hexagons...

Hexagons or as some people call it, 'English Paper Piecing' has been around for a long time and is a great way to use up small scraps of fabric.

I finished up some Hexagons projects...
 This design is called Grandmothers Garden...
 go figure, now that it's all finished, I kind of feel it's a bit busy.....
 Then using smaller hexagons, I made a little Needle Keeper...
 this is a simple little project...
but... if you are a bit of an antsey pantsey scatter brain attention deficit kind of  person like me.... this may not be the project for you... it is a great project for a very patient person... but a tad bit to slow for me...