The first picture is a clever idea of using a stepstool for a table.
Picture #2 is of a handful of us gathering up as we head out to go home. There were 7 of us trailers taking over the 395....from Idaho to Oregon to Washington.
Picture#3 is the SOTF Banner and #4 is a pic of my "little Twinkie".
#5 is some gals practicing their fly fish casting and in #6 some of the gals are checking out the goodies up for auction, which by the way generated $8.000.00 for the Susan G. Korman Breast Cancer Foundation. And last but not least a cleaver way to hide ones 'chamber pot'. Wish I had thought of it.lol! To get a closer look of the pics just click on each picture.
I did have one of MaryJane Lee #595 & myself, in aprons,,, she looked great but I looked like a frog so I am not posting that picture, haha!
Inspite of the king sized misquitos we had a great time.
Wish you all could have been there.