Meet the newest member to our garage.....yep! my New-Old vintage Aljo travel trailer.
We are uncertain of her true age, after all a lady never tells her age.....but I am sure she is about my age give or take a few years! lol!
I have been wanting a vintage trailer for quit some time now and we have been searching Hi & Low when we found her in a town about an hour up the road.
She looks a bit unkempt but hubby & I are not timid and look forward to creating a diamond from this rough. Plus we just love tearing things apart & rebuilding them. Repurposing"!
Today we took a ton of photos, you know, the "Before" photos and then we started going through her making a list of things to do...so if you need to find us, just peek in our barn, that's probably where we will be.
Our little 14 1/2 ft. Aljo will be named, "Gracie Girl"...a fitting name don't you think?
I'll post pic's as we progress on Gracie Girl's make-over. So stay tuned!