Those of you who know me, know that I absolutely love a good Pear Brandy....
I discovered the fabulousness of a truly good pear brandy on a past trip in Switzerland....
Oh My Word! it was so delightful!
I found a particular brand that I especially liked while in Zurich. I brought some back to the USA and found that it was not easily obtainable here in the USA... Then when I moved up to Washington, I discovered it could not be imported into Washington State! Oh NO!
So my quest was to find a comparable Pear Brandy... When one day recently, quiet by chance, I was in Costco.... and spotted Pear Brandy by the Clear Creek Distillery... $36 a bottle.... but I was willing to give it a try in hopes it would bring me back to my wonderful memories of my trip in Switzerland. Oh MY! It did!
I am so delighted to have found a wonderful Pear Brandy that sooo reminds me of the excellent Pear Brandies produced in Switzerland...
I am able to find a Apple Pear Brandy.... but,,, there is just something special about a crisp pear flavored brandy.
So, while I was reading my Jan/Feb issue of
Victoria magazine.... to my delight I saw that there was an article about Clear Creek Distillery and their prized Pear Brandy .... "Bottled to Perfection" page 59-64.... and how they closely follow the European way of producing quality pear brandy.
One only needs to pop the cork, give it a moment to breath, then pour a small glass,,,, let the crisp clean pear scent reach your nose... then sip and savor.

Oh My! if it were not so early in the day, I would pour myself a sip, as I re-read the article.
There are many good companies that produce wonderful brandies and schnapps...but...
I just happen to really like this company's brandy and am glad to see that it was featured in my favorite magazine as well as I can easily find it.
If pear is not your favorite, they also produce other flavors.....
So, tonight I may have to curl up on the sofa, with my dear hubby, my kitties, my snugly Pendleton blanket, my Victoria magazine, a piece or two of chocolate and a snifter of pear brandy... Ah, and conjure up wonderful memories of my trips in Switzerland and especially Germany.