Monday, July 23, 2018

Ahh,,, Keeping Busy....

I have had time to putter in my sewing room,,, to keep out of the heat! lol!
 I found 2 of these cheesy brassy stands for $6.99 each at a local Thrift store,, Hubby dearest cleaned them up and spray painted them for me..
 I snagged these 2 silver plate food servers for $1.99 each, yep, spray painted them now they will be used at a pot luck that I am going to attend. I using a  foil cake pan for the insert on the top one.
 My son-in-laws birthday was this week, so I took one of his old T-shirts (that advertised his company) and framed it so he can put it in his 'Man Cave'...
 my unexpected sunflower in my front lavender bed.. interesting bug...
 I made this Ribbon Banner for 4th of July,,,, I got the idea from an article in the June/July Maryjane Farm magazine.
 and I started working on a flannel Rag Rug for my grand girlies bed room.
 I made this quilt apron, and another one in light blues as well, now if only I had taken a photo of the blue one!
 finally got our hay cut and baled...
we ended up with 128 bales of hay.. Yippee! I know some goats, sheep and 2 mini pigs that will really be happy!


  1. I love the spray painted items. I'm about to spray paint an old table handed down to me, but I'm so busy with puttin' up food, it's crazy busy. A rag rug with flannel is a great idea. I have just used old sheets. Thanks! Have a great week.

    1. Kristina,, I finally finished the rag rug and am now crocheting dish!


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