Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I Love this Book....

What a fun read....... "Everyday Fashions of the Fifties"
(if you click on the will embiggen for a better view).

I recently purchased this book... by Joanne is a compilation of mostly women's clothing starting from 1950 through 1959.. All courtesy of vintage Sears catalogs.

It is fun to see the progression of fashions in just one decade from peep toed shoes to stiletto heels. From fussy fitted dresses adorned with pearls & gloves to fun carefree unstructured dresses and overtly silly hats.... it also had a cute little section with aprons..wish I had a few of those aprons in my collection.

There is also a 1940's and a 1960's edition if you are interested in older or new clothing.


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