Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sweetness in the Sun...

Today while returning home, hubby and I made a quick detour at a yard sale and  look what I found (& bought)... A whole bunch of sweetness...
As soon as we arrived home I went straight to the laundry room,,, hand washed/sanitized and rinsed these and then laid them out on the lawn with sprigs of lavender both under and on top of the hankies.
 13 hankies, 1 lace ruffled collar and 1 doily
 I can hardly wait to iron these bits of sweetness...
I just love hankies,,,, and how they were used, to wipe runny noses, sneezes, tears of joy and sometimes tears of sadness... oh and lets not forget the ever so casual dropping of the hankie in hopes that the 'Gentleman' will retrieve it and hand it back to the lovely damsel... 
I personally like to spritz it with perfume' and tuck it into my handbag...Call me Old Fashioned...


  1. Lucky you! What a great find and so many things you can do with them. You could make sachets, pillows, quilts, curtains....I saw a really neat shower curtain someone made with them (of course you need a plastic liner...tee hee). Pinterest has all kinds of repurposing projects for so many items and lots for hankies! You go girl!

  2. Oh sooo many possibilities, S.I.A.,,, and fun... luv 'pintrest'


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