Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Went to the Lake...

Yesterday, Gary and I loaded up Ginger and we drove over to the Lake for a bit of a stroll in the sunshine..
 Yes, Ginger gets to ride in a Doggy Stroller..  our excuse is because she has such short legs and can't keep up with us... haha!
 I spotted some Bees buzzing around the wild strawberry plants...
 We know it is Spring,, when the Balsamroot plants start blooming...
 The only problem about Spring around here,, is the Deer are out a lot, foraging for young leaves,, and that means, Tics,,, lots of Tics... and sure enough, when we got home I found one on my sleeve.
We always do a Tic check, when working out on our property, or are out at the Lakes and Parks and Campgrounds.. where the Deer like to frequent.
But,, non the less,, we are happy to have some nice Spring weather.


  1. I see a lot of people out walking with their dogs in strollers, you're not alone. I'm glad you were able to get out and enjoy some beautiful spring weather. We're having a lot of Ticks this year too. More than usual. I think maybe because of the unusually snowy winter and wet spring.

    1. Thanks Betsy,, Hope you are getting some sunshine and fresh air safely.
      I still have those knitting kneedles for you.. when it is safe to stop by and drop them off.


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