Goodies from Mindy

A wonderful melding of vintage fabrics to create an apron.
Well today was such a delightful day.....after working and then running errands after work, I finally came home to find a box on my door step and a dozen blinking lights on my phone answering machine......not to mention a ton of emails in my in-box....somehow the word got out that today is/was my B-day..... I will gladly have a birthday everyday if I know I will get lots of chocolate! lol!
Anyways I received the box from "Mindy" from the Vintage/Repurposed Linen Apron Swap.
I was so excited to see what delightful apron I had received...OMG! it is toooo cute! I love the soft, gently worn vintage fabric used for the apron base and the embroidered cloth for the top part is so sweet. It is the perfect pairing of wonderful fabrics. I also received a fantastic cookbook and Florida linen kitchen-souvenir towel....and, and, and,,,,lovely linen napkins with the letter "B" embroidered on them, how cool is that!
I am so delighted with all my goodies. Now I must send Mindy a 'Thank you' card...although I wish I could just give her a great big hug instead,,,but alas, she lives in Florida & I in Washington....so I will have to send her a hug via the U.S. postal service.
Thank you so very much Mindy. hugz